writing process TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.

Pair students and task them with editing each other’s writing to ensure proper use of punctuation.

Further Explanation

This SE requires students to improve their understanding of the rules of punctuation and use appropriate punctuation, including commas to set off words, phrases, and clauses. Ample opportunities should be provided for students to review their drafts, evaluate for proper punctuation, and make necessary changes to improve the quality of their writing.

a punctuation mark used to introduce a list of items, to separate two independent clauses when the second clause explains the first, or to create emphasis; colons are also used in time, ratios, and correspondence formatting
a punctuation mark used to separate two or more distinct but related ideas such as in a series, (e.g., “nuts, bolts, or screws”) or to enclose a word, phrase, or clause within a sentence (e.g. “Sonya, who is from Alaska, missed the snow.”) Commas are also used with transitions and in dates.
During the editing stage of the writing process, students further improve their drafts and often prepare them for publishing by correcting conventions errors. Applying standard rules of the English language correctly helps the audience to easily understand the information by not having to interrupt their thinking to decide what the writer intended to say.
details set off by commas that add extra information to the sentence with sentence meaning unchanged if omitted; nonrestrictive words (or appositives) are typically a noun/proper noun or noun phrase; nonrestrictive phrases are typically prepositional phrases; nonrestrictive clauses typically begin with a relative pronoun or adverb (who, whom, which, whose, etc.); also known as nonessential words, phrases, or clauses
a punctuation mark consisting of round brackets used around a word, clause, or sentient that is intended as additional piece of information for the sentence that if omitted allows the sentence to remain grammatically complete
During the editing stage of the writing process, students should review and edit drafts for the use of proper punctuation. In this grade, students should understand and demonstrate the use of punctuation that indicates relationships between multiple ideas within the same sentence. Students should also understand how commas in nonrestrictive phrases, semicolons, colons, and parentheses all allow a writer to interject, combine, or connect ideas to one another without creating a full stop between clauses. These tools of punctuation help the writer create richer descriptions or explanations for the reader.
a punctuation mark used chiefly to coordinate major sentence elements such as the independent clauses of a compound sentence


Composition Writing Studio. Argumentative essay/commentary. University of Purdue’s Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/05/ 

Summary: This online resource offers a complete overview of the writing processes, genres, mechanics, and components involved in each. The overview includes definition of terms, examples, graphs and charts as appropriate, and additional resources.