- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 8
- Composition
Provide students with a teacher-created text that includes inconsistent verb tenses and excessive use of passive voice. Task students with identifying the errors found in each sentence and rewriting the sentences correctly.
This SE requires students to understand how to construct sentences with consistent verb tenses and active or passive voice as appropriate. Students should know that verb tenses indicate when an action or state of being occurs. Students should also know that there are three main/primary tenses in the English language: are past (indicating something has already happened) present (indicating something is currently happening), and future (indicating that something will happen later). Students should also understand that passive voice is more difficult for the reader and requires more words to express action but is sometimes appropriate for the context.
Composition Writing Studio. Common writing assignments. University of Purdue’s Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/05/
Summary: This online resource offers a complete overview of the writing processes, genres, mechanics, and components involved in each. The overview includes definition of terms, examples, graphs and charts as appropriate, and additional resources.