- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 8
- Composition
edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
Task students with identifying sentences in a text they are currently reading that has complex sentences with errors in them. Have students rewrite the sentences correctly. Then, have students identify sentences in a draft of their own writing that can be combined into complex sentences.
In this assessment, students are required to write complex sentences that have two ideas (clauses) joined by a subordinating conjunction. Ample opportunities should be provided for students review their writing drafts, evaluating complex sentences for correctness and making necessary changes to improve the quality of their writing.
Composition Writing Studio. Common writing assignments. University of Purdue’s Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/05/
Summary: This online resource offers a complete overview of the writing processes, genres, mechanics, and components involved in each. The overview includes definition of terms, examples, graphs and charts as appropriate, and additional resources.