- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 7
- Author's purpose and craft
describe how the author's use of figurative language such as metaphor and personification achieves specific purposes;
1. Del Nero, J. R. (2017). Fun while showing, not telling: Crafting vivid detail in writing. The Reading Teacher, 71(1), 83–87. doi:10.1002/trtr.1575
Summary: In this article, the author provides teaching strategies to develop skills that craft vivid writing by using figurative language devices. The author demonstrates three specific teaching strategies and a strategy to examine a method using similes and metaphors. The article includes writing samples as exemplars.
2. Gorman, R., & Eastman, G. S. (2019). I see what you mean: Using visuals to teach metaphoric thinking in reading and writing. The English Journal, 100(1), 92–99. Retrieved from: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20787700
Summary: The authors examine how visual images are as important as literary text. In this article, the authors demonstrate how images create a subjective impression on the viewer. The images are viewed as figurative devices and create a mood, an emotional response, and an impression. The authors also provide a chart to identify the concepts. Using this background knowledge, students are guided through readings that allow them to make the connections between the visual images and the plot, characterization, setting, theme, and style and technique.