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Knowledge and Skills Statement

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.

Using a mentor text, instruct students to identify 5–10 unfamiliar words and define the words using the context of the text. Then task students with incorporating the newly learned words in a quick write on a similar topic.

Further Explanation

For this assessment, students learn new terms not only to increase their vocabulary but to change the way they understand the world around them. By using newly acquired vocabulary, students expand their knowledge of language.

Students learn new terms not only to increase their vocabulary but also to change the way they understand the world around them. Words are linked to certain domains and concepts. By using newly acquired vocabulary, students expand their knowledge about objects, events, and processes. For example, in a class discussion of an article concerning changing ecosystems, understanding terms such as sustainability and biodiversity allows students to make more a detailed analysis.
a verbal or written reaction to something that is read, viewed, written, or heard Responses activities can help students better comprehend and build meaning from a text.