- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 7
- Composition
Task students with editing their own writing to ensure pronoun-antecedent agreement. Have them highlight the singular pronouns in one color and plural pronouns in another color. Then, have students identify the antecedent that goes with each pronoun and highlight it the same color if it is written correctly. If the antecedent does not match the pronoun, students should highlight it in a third color. Then, have them rewrite the sentences that were incorrect and highlight them with the correct colors once they are correct.
This assessment provides an opportunity for a teacher to observe student development of writing with appropriate pronoun-antecedent agreement. As students use the writing process to compose multiple texts, the editing stage allows students to improve drafts. Ample opportunities should be provided for students review their writing drafts, evaluating for pronoun-antecedent agreement and making necessary changes to improve the quality of their writing.