- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 6
- Developing and sustaining foundational language skills
determine the meaning and usage of grade-level academic English words derived from Greek and Latin roots such as mis/mit, bene, man, vac, scrib/script, and jur/jus.
Pacheco, M. B., & Goodwin, A. P. (2013). Putting two and two together: Middle school students' morphological problem-solving strategies for unknown words. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 56(7), 541–553. doi:10.1002/JAAL.181
Summary: Researchers Pacheo and Goodwin discuss strategies that assist students in determining word meaning. One such strategy includes figuring out words by breaking down in their smallest parts, such as affix, root word, and suffix. The recommendations suggests this approach as a means to learn unknown words.