oral language TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

Ensure a clear understanding of and provide guidelines for what is expected with each of the following components of giving a presentation:

  • Sharing organized thoughts
  • Making eye contact with the audience
  • Speaking at a rate and volume that is easily followed by other
  • Clearly enunciating words
  • Using language and natural gestures that are commonly agreed upon in the classroom environment

Have students practice presenting to a partner, then to a small group of students, and finally to the whole class. Following each presentation, have students elicit constructive feedback from peers and teacher. Assess whether students apply the feedback in the next presentation.

Further Explanation

This SE requires students to understand how to orally explain a topic following a clear and well-thought-out structure. Students are expected to use verbal and nonverbal techniques when giving a presentation to capture and hold the audience's attention throughout the presentation. Students demonstrate their understanding of appropriate classroom language as well as expectations regarding eye contact, volume, enunciation, and speaking rate. Note whether students use the desired behaviors during the discussion: supporting their positions with facts and using appropriate speaking rate, volume, enunciation, and eye contact. Review and reteaching of communication skills should occur as needed.

A speaker has effectively conveyed an idea when the message is easy to understand and relevant to the audience and the presentation is engaging. In addition to the speaker’s organization and delivery of the presentation, other conditions, such as the speaker's comfort level, time limitations, and visual aids, can impact the speaker's ability to effectively convey the message.
the rules broadly agreed upon as standard for communicating in written or oral form
Students are expected to use verbal and nonverbal techniques when giving a presentation to capture the audience's attention and keep it engaged throughout the presentation. An effective presenter should always face the audience and be attentive to its reaction. When presenting, students should also be able to use appropriate verbal and nonverbal techniques to emphasize key concepts and make the message clear and easy to understand.
Students should understand how to visually or orally communicate their points of view or attitudes on a topic following a clear and well-thought-out structure. A carefully structured presentation should make the stance or position easy for the audience to understand. When making decisions about how to organize their messages, students should keep in mind the purpose of their presentation as well as the characteristics of their audience, such as the audience's previous knowledge, interests, and values. This can help students communicate their ideas in ways that are more relatable and reasonable to the audience.
a strong personal opinion on a matter that does not necessarily oppose someone else’s


Gwee, S., & Toh-Heng, H. L. (2015). Developing Student Oral Presentation Skills with the Help of Mobile Devices. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 7(4). Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A428008722/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=f5d4daf3

Summary: Students were asked to create video presentations and were then asked to review their presentations in both formal (classroom) and informal (out of classroom settings). The research found that the formal review had a significant impact, especially on group presentations. The use of video for analyzing presentations increased students' engagement, and students found it was useful because it provided immediate feedback. The study provides an observation checklist for effective oral presentations and a sequence of activities for the students.

Anstey, M., & Bull, G. (2010). Helping teachers to explore multimodal texts. Curriculum Leadership Journal, 8(16). Retrieved from http://www.curriculum.edu.au/leader/helping_teachers_to_explore_multimodal_texts,31522.html?%20issue%20ID=12141

Summary: Multimodal texts are defined as text that can be deliver various formats, such as live, paper, or digital electronic. In this article, the author introduces  five semiotic systems defined in multimodal texts.

Baker, W. H., & Thompson, M. P. (2004, June). Teaching presentation skills. Business Communication Quarterly, 67(2), 216+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A117449775/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=96728e1b

Summary: This brief article gives concrete steps for increasing the quality of student presentations, beginning with planning, and concludes with tips for helping students analyze their performance. The emphasis is upon preparing and delivering the presentation, rather than on the student's gestures or what they are saying wrong. The goal is to increase students' security and also increase students' knowledge on how to prepare and deliver a message successfully.