oral language TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

Provide students with a graphic organizer to use while listening to a read-aloud or podcast. As students who are working in pairs listen, task them with summarizing, asking questions, and making comments with their partner and on the graphic organizers. Observe partner conversations and written work for questions and comments related to the topic.

Further Explanation

For this assessment, students are required to show evidence of active listening and accurate interpretation of information about a text or podcast that is shared. Students’ questions should directly link to the text or podcast. If they are off topic, this may indicate that students misinterpreted the concepts discussed.

Part of active listening is knowing when and how to ask questions that help create connections to prior knowledge or related concepts. Students should ask questions to help them better understand what has been heard or to confirm an interpretation of the information heard.
Students should identify and explain the speaker’s opinion or ideas on the topic based on how the speaker organizes information, supports an idea or elaborates on the topic, or emphasizes certain points. Students should understand that, in speaking as well as in writing, messages can be implied; therefore, students must be attentive to the various communication techniques a speaker uses so that students can deconstruct what was said to explain the meaning of the intended message.
Active listening requires students to be engaged with what (and who) they are listening to better understand the intended message. Students who listen actively have a purpose, engage with the speaker by asking questions and making comments, and demonstrate attentive nonverbal behavior such as making eye contact and nodding their heads.
Responding appropriately to oral messages means students understand the speaker’s message clearly enough to react verbally, in writing, or through action in a way that reflects their comprehension of the speaker’s intentions. Students should understand how reacting to something without consideration of the speaker’s point of view or intentions can lead to misinterpretations of meaning and, therefore, may result in inappropriate responses.


1. Taysi, E. K. (2019). The effect of listening attitude and listening anxiety on listening comprehension: A regression model. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 356-364. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1204592.pdf

Summary: This study examines the correlation between listening comprehension, anxiety, and attitude in 187 seventh grade students. Results found there is a significant negative correlation between students listening comprehension and a positive correlation between their listening comprehension and listening attitude. There was also a correlation between listening anxiety and listening attitude. The study found that with increased listening comprehension, students' attitudes about listening also improved.

2. Ahmadi, S. M.  (2016) The importance of listening comprehension in language learning. International Journal of Research in English Education. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1101226.pdf

Summary: The study analyzes the importance of listening for learning, identifies six major problems that learners face, and provides 14 suggestions for overcoming listening comprehension challenges.

3. Jalongo, M. R. (1995). Promoting active listening in the classroom. Childhood Education, 72(1), 13+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A17704632/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=9735f6dd

Summary: This article on active listening acknowledges teachers' frustrations with children who do not listen, and then examines a variety of listening situations and how teachers can both respond and model good listening skills. The article includes a directed listening-thinking activity that can be easily adapted to various grade levels. The activity focuses on a story, and then includes questions that help students better comprehend the story from their own experience, building upon personal experience to gain insight into the characters and to deepen students' understanding.