- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 5
- Comprehension skills
During one-on-one conferencing with students, have them share the questions they ask before, during, and after reading a particular text.
Before they begin reading, have students compose a list of questions such as possible topics that will be read about, inferences based on the student's background experience, and knowledge about the author. Prompt students to examine the title, subtitles, graphics, and photos to compose questions before reading the text.
During reading, have students share their questions such as What will the character do next? and Why did a character do ___?
After reading, have students note which questions were not answered in the text as well as new questions that arose after reading.
This assessment directs students to think beyond the text, and look for specific information they do not understand, and use strategies to gain information and deepen understanding. When students consider questions before, during, and after reading that can lead the student to pay particular attention to the details in the story.
1. Evans, B. P., & Shively, C. T. (2019). Using the Cornell Note-taking System can help eighth grade students alleviate the impact of interruptions while reading at home. Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education, 10(1). Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/
Summary: As part of the study, students are taught the Cornell note-taking system. Students are required to write questions about the main ideas of the notes and answer those questions, along with writing a summary. This study shows that middle school students will be able to make the adjustment from note-taking instruction on paper to computer. Additionally, middle school students can handle using a traditional high school and college aged note-taking strategy like the Cornell system. The study found that the Cornell system can be used to alleviate the impact interruptions have on students’ working memories and comprehension.
2. Barbe-Clevett, T., Hanley, N., & Sullivan, P. (2002). Improving reading comprehension through metacognitive reflection. (Master theses, Saint Xavier University). Retrieved from: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED471067
Summary: This research reveals a plan for increasing 6th grade students' reflection and comprehension skills. The reflective process is developed through four interrelated activities taught in a specific, scaffolded sequence. Post-intervention data shows an increase in reading skills along with an increased emotional involvement in reading.
3. Joseph, L.M., & Ross, K.M. (2018). Teaching middle school students with learning disabilities to comprehend text using self-questioning. Intervention in School and Clinic, 53(5), 276–282. doi: 10.1177/1053451217736866
Summary: Self-questioning before, during, and after reading a text is an important process for all students, but especially for middle school students with learning disabilities. In this article, self-questioning is presented as an effective, evidence-based instructional strategy that requires scaffolding. A discussion of how to monitor the students' progress in reading comprehension is included.