composition strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.

Task students with composing a letter to a local business or organization they are interested in learning more about. The letter should be written for the purpose of learning more about the products or services provided by the business or organization. Evaluate student work for genre characteristics including central idea, clear organization, development of ideas, and the use of grade-appropriate language and conventions such as purposeful word choice and sentences that are varied and well controlled.

Further Explanation

This assessment requires students to make a written request for information about a company's products or services. Students will use information gathered regarding the company to develop an idea, plan, and organize the essay or letter. Students need to apply all of the components in the writing process during this task as they move from a draft to a final piece of writing. Students will be required to create a piece of writing that is organized, has a logical progression of ideas, and effectively uses grade-appropriate language and conventions of writing. It is important for students to develop this knowledge with different types of correspondence. As such, this activity can be completed with multiple types of correspondence including digital correspondence.

Students are expected to compose correspondence for a variety of purposes, including to request information. Students should recognize that correspondence may be formal (requesting information from a company) or informal (a thank you letter to a friend) depending on the purpose and audience. Their writing is expected to be organized and coherent and include a greeting, a body, and a closing. Additionally, students are expected to demonstrate a good command of writing conventions, use correct spelling, and write in complete sentences.


1. VanDerHeide, J., & Juzwik, M. M. (2018). Argument as conversation: Students responding through writing to significant conversations across time and place. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 62(1), 67–77. doi:10.1002/jaal.754

Summary:  In this article, the author presents an instructional model that reconnects to the why of writing. The model of information reasoning requires students to learn how to make claims, provide supporting evidence of that claim, and create additional examples of the claim through the use of analogies and stories. In this study, students were asked to write a letter in response to an ongoing conversation that was of particular importance to them. Personal experience helps to develop the students' ability to advocate for a position through writing. The approach requires scaffolding on argumentative writing instruction. This study includes multiple templates to guide the writing of the responses. This approach fosters the opportunity for students to participate in conversations that have a historical background. In doing so, students engage in topics of debate that have continued over time and in various spaces. Students are invited to participate in these discussions through their writing positions as arguing for or against a position. 

2. Klein, P. D., & Rose, M. A. (2010). Teaching argument and explanation to prepare junior students for writing to learn. Reading Research Quarterly, 45(4), 433–461.  doi:10.1598/RRQ.45.4.4

Summary: In this study, Klein and Rose examine how students respond to various writing tasks and assignments. The teachers used the process writing approach, which included creating an outline, drafts, and a final paper. The revision and edit process lends itself to implementing teacher and peer oral and written feedback. The study reveals that there are specific, as well as, varied means to teach the writing process to students. Students must use prior knowledge and have access to relevant external sources (i.e. internet).