- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 5
- Composition
The following is one example of how to assess proficiency of this student expectation (SE) or a portion of the SE. More examples coming soon.
Provide students with a teacher-created paragraph with numerous sentences containing capitalization errors in abbreviations, initials, acronyms, and organization names (e.g., miss Ortiz, Nasa, Nfl). Task students with reviewing the paragraph and editing as needed. Review student work for accuracy.
This assessment requires students to apply their knowledge of capitalization of abbreviations, initials, acronyms, and organization names. Students apply correct capitalization by editing a teacher-created list of words.
Composition Writing Studio. Writing Process. University of Purdue’s Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html
Summary: This online resource offers a comprehensive overview of the writing processes and the components involved in each. The overview includes definition of terms, examples, graphs and charts, and additional resources.