- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 5
- Author's purpose and craft
Provide students with a text in which the author uses first-person point of view. Task students with identifying and explaining the story's point of view and providing specific evidence from the text that indicate first-person point of view. Have students explain what they learned about the character as a result of first-person point of view. Answers will vary but should include that they learned about a particular character's thoughts and feelings.
This assessment requires students to recognize when the author uses the first-person point of view in a story and explain how they know this. Students must also understand and explain that the author's use of the first-person point of view enables the reader to understand more about a particular character in the story. It is important for students to develop knowledge of a variety of literary devices. As such, this activity can be completed with multiple literary devices.
1. Dallacqua, A.K. (2012). Exploring literary devices in graphic novels. Language Arts, 89(6), 365–378. Retrieved from https://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/LA/0896-jul2012/LA0896Exploring.pdf
Summary: Dallacqua presents an innovative approach to exploring literary devices by using comics. The study emphasized the importance of multimodality, especially as it related to visual literacy. Multiple online resources and definitions are included. The article includes the multiple uses of graphic novels as part of an RELA class.