- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Multiple genres
Provide students with a poem that contains a simile. Task students with working in pairs to read the poem, identify the simile, and explain what the simile means in the context of the poem.
Possible similes to include:
Examining different types of figurative language in poetry is essential in developing students’ understanding of abstract language. In grade four, this includes metaphors and personification as well as similes. Figurative language supports reading as students look beyond the literal meaning of words to more abstract concepts.
1. Palmer, B. C., Shackelford, V. S., Miller, S. C., & Leclere, J. T. (2006). Bridging two worlds: reading comprehension, figurative language instruction, and the English-language learner. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50(4), 258+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A156736307/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=4ec470e1
Summary: Recognizing that figurative language is a challenge for EL students, the authors consider ways to transition students from modeled practice steps in interpreting figurative language when reading to self-assessed interpretations. Specific strategies and examples are provided, including discussing with students about the importance of figurative language and its contexts.
2. McDonough, S. (2013). Playing with poetry: figurative language in action. Practically Primary, 18(2), 27+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A334276548/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=75cf65b2
Summary: As part of a lesson on myths and lessons, students are asked to produce poems about characters in the myths. In brainstorming exercises, students were given specific prompts to generate figurative language about their characters. The explicit focus is on figurative language as a narrative device.