- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Response skills
After presenting five new words to students, have them write short stories using the five words in context.
This example allows a teacher to determine whether students can use five new words correctly in a short story. As students gain practice using new vocabulary in a specific task like writing short stories, they will be better able to provide a variety of responses using newly acquired vocabulary.
Collins, G. G., Goforth, A. N., & Ambrose, L. M. (2016). The effects on teacher professional development on rural students' lexical inferencing skills. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 35(3), 20–29. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?q=building+vocabulary+skills+in+fourth+grade&pr=on&ft=on&id=EJ1147344
Summary: The purpose of the study was to determine if a technology-based teacher professional development program could impact the lexical inferencing skills of fourth grade students in rural schools. Teachers learned specific methods for teaching vocabulary learning strategies. Results were not conclusive, but the study recommends increased teacher knowledge of vocabulary learning instruction, including collaboration between the classroom teacher and other school professionals, such as speech language pathologists as a partnership for identifying and remediating reading, particularly vocabulary, deficits.