- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Developing and sustaining foundational language skills
determine the meaning of and use words with affixes such as mis-, sub-, -ment, and -ity/ty and roots such as auto, graph, and meter; and
Yurtbasi, M. (2015). Building English Vocabulary through Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes. Online Submission, Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 5(1), 44–51. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?q=Nature+and+function+of+proposals+in+collaborative+writing&pr=on&ft=on&id=ED579889
Summary: Researchers consider that a strong vocabulary contributes to learner success and consider this specifically for English learners. They focus on building a strong vocabulary through teaching specific Latin roots and their English derivatives, affixes, prefixes, and suffixes.