- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Inquiry and research
Ask students to review a teacher-created paragraph that includes paraphrasing and plagiarism. Ask students to identify the pieces of the paragraph that are paraphrased or plagiarized.
This assessment example requires students to identify examples of paraphrased and plagiarized text in order to demonstrate an ability to recognize the difference between the two.
Fisk, C., & Hurst, B. (2003). Paraphrasing for comprehension. The Reading Teacher, 57(2),182+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A109218181/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=5259f22e.
Summary: This article on paraphrasing identifies the author's voice as the starting point for students when learning how to paraphrase. The authors provide a step-by-step process for paraphrasing, including how to identify the author's voice.