- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Inquiry and research
Have students work in a small group to brainstorm questions about a topic or text to generate information to be used for a research paper, project, or presentation. As they choose their topics, remind students to think about who, what, where, when, why, and how. Students should also brainstorm information beyond those questions that would be appropriate for inclusion in a project or presentation and consult reference materials to clarify questions.
Students should be able to engage in an ongoing process of gathering and examining information in different ways and with more proficiency. Students should be able to formulate questions that will guide their research work. The clarification of questions is an ongoing process throughout the research work.
McManus, M. S., & Theamwong, L. (2015). Enhancing fourth grade students' writing achievement through purposeful experiential learning: an action research study. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 3(12), 997–1000. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1083248.pdf
Summary: Fourth grade students had a writing task that involved improving the school. It required students to call on community, agency, area business, and high school student support. Students wrote letters applying for grants, asking for materials, and requesting additional support. Student orally presented their prewriting, and these presentations proved to be an effective method for the revising and editing of their written work.