- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Composition
The following is one example of how to assess proficiency of this student expectation (SE) or a portion of the SE. More examples coming soon.
A teacher may wish to pair SE 4.11.D.viii with SE 4.12.B and assess both SEs at the same time. With SE 4.12.B, students compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft. Have each student compose an informational piece of writing to share information regarding a current event or a topic that has been studied in a different content area such as math or social studies. Students should incorporate multiple examples of coordinating conjunctions in their writing. After students have completed their writing, have them trade with a classmate to read the other student's informational text and locate the coordinating conjunctions.
This SE requires students to understand how coordinating conjunctions serve as a tool to establish the relationship between words, phrases, or independent clauses in a sentence to indicate a relationship based on cause and effect, opposition, alternatives, or the addition or negation of equally important ideas or details. A student’s use of the same one or two conjunctions repeatedly may indicate that the student has not yet mastered this skill. The more conjunctions the student is able to use correctly and appropriately, the more comfortable the student is likely to be with the skill.