- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 4
- Composition
The following is one example of how to assess proficiency of this student expectation (SE) or a portion of the SE. More examples coming soon.
A teacher may wish to pair SE 4.11.D.vii with SE 4.12.A and assess both SEs at the same time. With SE 4.12.A, students compose literary texts, such as personal narratives and poetry, using genre characteristics and craft. Task students with composing a personal narrative to include genre characteristics such as character descriptions, dialogue, description of a personal experience, and first-person point of view. Within their personal narratives, students should incorporate multiple examples of pronouns, including reflexive pronouns. After students have written their personal narratives, have them trade with a classmate to read the other student's personal narrative and locate the reflexive pronouns.
Students are expected to know how to correctly use pronouns to refer to or in place of previously used nouns or noun phrases. Additionally, students should be able to review their drafts and evaluate the use of indefinite pronouns in their compositions. Students should be able to identify indefinite pronouns that create ambiguity and replace them with a more specific word or phrase. They should understand how pronouns help make sentences smoother and clearer.