- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 3
- Inquiry and research
Consider pairing SE 3.13.E with SE 3.13.H and assess both SEs at the same time. With SE 3.13.H, students use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results. Support students in selecting an authentic audience to whom to present their research findings. Task students with sharing the results of their research verbally, visually, or musically by creating multimodal presentations. Examples may include a traditional research report, a play, a media presentation, a cartoon, or a brochure.
This SE requires students to review information collected from sources during the course of their research and apply what they have learned. Students make connections between previous knowledge and new information or by drawing reasonable conclusions from the sources. Students clarify or extend their questions based on the information they learned in order to better refine the focus of their inquiry.