- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 3
- Inquiry and research
A teacher may wish to pair SE 3.13.C with SE 3.13.D and assess both SEs at the same time. With SE 3.13.C, students identify and gather relevant information from a variety of sources. As students begin a research project, guide them as they identify and gather source material. Prompt them to indicate whether each source is a primary or secondary source.
This SE requires students to use information from a variety of reliable sources to support results or claims, and to include a combination of primary and secondary sources to ensure a robust collection of supporting evidence. While compiling sources, students can consider questions, such as “Was the author of this document present when the event occurred?” or “Did this expert learn about the topic through research or experience?”
1. Bober, T. (2018). The power of primary sources: Tips for introducing historic documents to younger students. American Libraries, 49(9–10), 56. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A553402618/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=bea5115e
Summary: A brief article that presents practical ideas for introducing younger students to primary sources for research and inquiry.
2. Anderson, M. A. (2009). The power of primary sources: primary sources aren't just about history. Their use can enhance learning in all content areas and for students of all ages. The widespread prevalence of digital primary sources makes a greater range available and accessible to all. Multimedia & Internet@Schools, 16(6), 35+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A211806240/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=6b46063c
Summary: The author looks at a variety of primary sources, from diaries and letters to maps, YouTube videos, etc. in this article on effectively using primary sources in the classroom.