- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 2
- Developing and sustaining foundational language skills
Synonyms and Antonyms
Use a quick isolated skill assessment.
Have a list of words on the left and a list of synonyms on the right and ask students to match each word to its synonym (same for antonyms).
Write example idioms on the board and ask students to share what they think each idiom means.
Give students a list of words and ask them to write the two meanings for each word (e.g., read, bow, close) (Isolated skill assessment).
I like to put a pink ______ on my dog’s ears.
When the prince saw the princess, he took a _____ to introduce himself.
a) close b) read c) bow
These skills can be assessed in isolation or together in one assessment. The skills should be assessed both in context of a text and outside of a text. Assessing outside of context will help ensure clear understanding of the skill and in context will show ability to apply knowledge.