Knowledge and Skills Statement
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.2.1.B
Use a simple skill test. A simple skill test may be to ask students the following questions and see if they can complete the actions:
- Go to your desk, get out your pencil and red folder, and write your name on the top of the paper.
- Stand up, turn once, and jump.
- Put your hands on your hip and stick out your tongue.
Students must also be able to give oral instructions. In a simple skills test, ask students to do the following:
- State the steps of a classroom routine (e.g., “What are the steps that you follow when you finish your work? Can you tell me the process for getting your lunch?”).
- State the steps of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a bowl of cereal.
Supporting Information for ELA.2.1.B