Knowledge and Skills Statement
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.1.1.A
Use an oral language checklist during group discussion, conversational interactions, such as lunch, recess, or arrival/dismissal, or during oral presentations. The checklist can include the following:
- The student listens when someone is speaking.
- The student is able to ask questions that make sense to the topic.
- The student is able to ask questions to help clarify meaning or understanding.
- The student is able to answer open-ended questions with multi-word responses.
While making observations, a teacher may use a rubric. The rubric needs to be vague so that it can be applied universally to all skills on the checklist.
Sample rubric:
- The student is unable to complete the task.
- The student is able to complete the task inconsistently, with adult assistance.
- The student is able to complete the task consistently, with adult assistance.
- The student is able to complete the task independently and consistently.