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Matter and energy. The student understands that matter can be classified according to its properties and matter is conserved in chemical changes that occur within closed systems. The student is expected to:

participate in student-led discussions by eliciting and considering suggestions from other group members, taking notes, and identifying points of agreement and disagreement.

Social studies skills. The student understands the principles and requirements of the scientific method. The student is expected to:
explain by modeling how matter is classified as elements, compounds, homogeneous mixtures, or heterogeneous mixtures;

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively. The student is expected to:

select a social studies issue, topic, or area of interest;
select and design a research project, including an examination of the theory and methods applicable to the research topic;
use the periodic table to identify the atoms involved in chemical reactions;

use print or digital resources to determine the meaning, syllabication, pronunciation, word origin, and part of speech;


use context such as definition, analogy, and examples to clarify the meaning of words; and

OnTrack logo Understand New Vocabulary Within Context (English 6 Reading)
Resource ID: E6RdM1L2 Grade Range: 6 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to use context (e.g., cause and effect or compare and contrast organizational text structures) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple-meaning words.
describe the results of the research process; and
describe the properties of cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension in water and relate to observable phenomena such as the formation of droplets, transport in plants, and insects walking on water;

determine the meaning and usage of grade-level academic English words derived from Greek and Latin roots such as mis/mit, bene, man, vac, scrib/script, and jur/jus.

OnTrack logo Understand New Vocabulary Using Roots and Affixes (English 6 Reading)
Resource ID: E6RdM1L1 Grade Range: 6 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes.
justify a conclusion with supporting evidence and make predictions as to future actions and/or outcomes based on the conclusions of research.
compare and contrast the properties of acids and bases, including pH relative to water; and

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--fluency. The student reads grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. The student is expected to adjust fluency when reading grade-level text based on the reading purpose.

investigate how mass is conserved in chemical reactions and relate conservation of mass to the rearrangement of atoms using chemical equations, including photosynthesis.

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--self-sustained reading. The student reads grade-appropriate texts independently. The student is expected to self-select text and read independently for a sustained period of time.

Force, motion, and energy. The student understands the relationship between force and motion within systems. The student is expected to:

Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts. The student is expected to:

calculate and analyze how the acceleration of an object is dependent upon the net force acting on the object and the mass of the object using Newton's Second Law of Motion; and
investigate and describe how Newton's three laws of motion act simultaneously within systems such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth's tectonic activities, and rocket launches.

establish purpose for reading assigned and self-selected text;

Force, motion, and energy. The student knows how energy is transferred through waves. The student is expected to:

generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information;

compare the characteristics of amplitude, frequency, and wavelength in transverse waves, including the electromagnetic spectrum; and

make and correct or confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structures;


create mental images to deepen understanding;

explain the use of electromagnetic waves in applications such as radiation therapy, wireless technologies, fiber optics, microwaves, ultraviolet sterilization, astronomical observations, and X-rays.

make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society;

OnTrack logo Make Connections Between and Across Literary Texts
Resource ID: E6RdM2L2 Grade Range: 6 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to make connections between and across texts, including other media (e.g., film, play), and provide textual evidence.
PBS Learning Media Unforgettable Elephants
Resource ID: PBS457 Grade Range: 3 - 8 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this video segment from Nature, witness the joy an elephant family experiences when a new baby elephant is born. This birth was a celebration within elephant society. 
Earth and space. The student describes the characteristics of the universe and the relative scale of its components. The student is expected to:

make inferences and use evidence to support understanding;

describe the life cycle of stars and compare and classify stars using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram;

evaluate details read to determine key ideas;

PBS Learning Media Honk If You Agree
Resource ID: PBS339 Grade Range: 3 - 6 Subject: ELA & Reading
In these two lesson plans, students will learn to identify issues of importance, form their opinions, and support those opinions with evidence and reason. They will also learn how to state their feeli...
categorize galaxies as spiral, elliptical, and irregular and locate Earth's solar system within the Milky Way galaxy; and

synthesize information to create new understanding; and

PBS Learning Media Unforgettable Elephants
Resource ID: PBS457 Grade Range: 3 - 8 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this video segment from Nature, witness the joy an elephant family experiences when a new baby elephant is born. This birth was a celebration within elephant society. 
research and analyze scientific data used as evidence to develop scientific theories that describe the origin of the universe.
Earth and space. The student knows that interactions between Earth, ocean, and weather systems impact climate. The student is expected to:

monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge, asking questions, and annotating when understanding breaks down.

describe how energy from the Sun, hydrosphere, and atmosphere interact and influence weather and climate;

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed. The student is expected to:

identify global patterns of atmospheric movement and how they influence local weather; and
Earning and spending. The student understands how to set personal financial goals. The student is expected to:

describe personal connections to a variety of sources, including self-selected texts;


write responses that demonstrate understanding of texts, including comparing sources within and across genres;

describe the interactions between ocean currents and air masses that produce tropical cyclones, including typhoons and hurricanes.
differentiate between needs and wants in evaluating spending decisions;

use text evidence to support an appropriate response;

Earth and space. The student knows that natural events and human activity can impact global climate. The student is expected to:
investigate the student's money personality, including spending and saving propensity;