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compare the advantages of the divider and the chooser in the divider-chooser method;
discuss the rules and strategies of the divider-chooser method;
resolve cake-division problems for three players using the last-diminisher method;
analyze the relative importance of the three desirable properties of fair division: equitability, envy-freeness, and Pareto optimality; and
identify fair division procedures that exhibit envy-freeness.
Game (or competition) theory. The student uses knowledge of basic game theory concepts to calculate optimal strategies. The student analyzes situations and identifies the use of gaming strategies. The student is expected to:
recognize competitive game situations;
represent a game with a matrix;
identify basic game theory concepts and vocabulary;
determine the optimal pure strategies and value of a game with a saddle point by means of the minimax technique;
explain the concept of and need for a mixed strategy;
compute the optimal mixed strategy and the expected value for a player in a game who has only two pure strategies;
model simple two-by-two, bimatrix games of partial conflict;
identify the nature and implications of the game called "Prisoners' Dilemma";
explain the game known as "chicken";
identify examples that illustrate the prevalence of Prisoners' Dilemma and chicken in our society; and
determine when a pair of strategies for two players is in equilibrium.
Theory of moves. The student analyzes the theory of moves (TOM). The student uses the TOM and game theory to analyze conflicts. The student is expected to:
compare and contrast TOM and game theory;
explain the rules of TOM;
describe what is meant by a cyclic game;
use a game tree to analyze a two-person game;
determine the effect of approaching Prisoners' Dilemma and chicken from the standpoint of TOM and contrast that to the effect of approaching them from the standpoint of game theory;
describe the use of TOM in a larger, more complicated game; and
model a conflict from literature or from a real-life situation as a two-by-two strict ordinal game and compare the results predicted by game theory and by TOM.
Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
SE Resource updt 9.07 Type I and Type II Errors
Resource ID: SE131015 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about the potential impact of Type I and Type II errors.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131045 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will compare bar charts, pie charts, and frequency tables to see differences in results.
SE Resource updt 2.01 Sample Surveys
Resource ID: SE131027 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to surveys and the idea that substantial size and random selection are necessary for good results.
SE Resource updt 2.03 Sampling Methods, Part 1
Resource ID: SE131029 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn various ways of obtaining sample data.
SE Resource updt 2.04 Sampling Methods, Part 2
Resource ID: SE131030 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students continue with practice problems about different sampling techniques.
1.1 Definitions of Statistics, Probability, and Key Terms icon 1.1 Definitions of Statistics, Probability, and Key Terms
Resource ID: fG2Thad5@7 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Section 1
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 7 Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students will learn how to perform a hypothesis test and interpret its results.
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 3: Representing Categorical Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore the different ways to display categorical data and draw conclusions based on the representations.
icn_statistics_200x200 8 Chapter 2: Data Collection, Sampling, and Experimental Design
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore various methods of data collection and potential problems that may occur when collecting data.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data
use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution;
SE Resource updt 10.01 Choosing the Right Case
Resource ID: SE131017 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn to identify the appropriate parameter to perform statistical inference for a given situation.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131045 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will compare bar charts, pie charts, and frequency tables to see differences in results.
SE Resource updt 2.06 Three Principles of Experimental Design
Resource ID: SE131032 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about replication, randomization, and control when designing and implementing an experiment.
SE Resource updt 2.08 Generalizability of Results and Conclusions
Resource ID: SE131034 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn how to interpret results and draw conclusions based on them.
1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling icon 1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling
Resource ID: Ip3IVktY@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Section 2
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 10: Comparing Two Groups
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students interpret confidence intervals and the results of hypothesis tests for the difference between two means and the difference between two proportions.
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 3: Representing Categorical Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore the different ways to display categorical data and draw conclusions based on the representations.
icn_statistics_200x200 8 Chapter 2: Data Collection, Sampling, and Experimental Design
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore various methods of data collection and potential problems that may occur when collecting data.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data
select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems;
SE Resource updt 9.01 Steps of Hypothesis Testing
Resource ID: SE131009 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the steps of hypothesis testing and how to interpret its results.
SE Resource updt 3.02 Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Frequencies
Resource ID: SE131042 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will expand their knowledge of frequency tables to two-way tables and several frequency and probability definitions.
SE Resource updt 5.01 Measuring Center of a Distribution
Resource ID: SE131073 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video. students will learn three measurements of center, calculate those measurements, and compare the mean and median of data sets.
SE Resource updt 5.02 Measuring Spread of a Distribution
Resource ID: SE131074 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn four measurements of spread, and calculate them by hand and on a calculator for several data sets.
SE Resource updt 5.04 Visualizing and Transforming Data: Implications for Mean and Standard Deviation
Resource ID: SE131076 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we will observe how the mean and standard deviation change based on different values in a data set.
1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling icon 1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling
Resource ID: Ip3IVktY@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Section 2
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 7 Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students will learn how to perform a hypothesis test and interpret its results.
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 3: Representing Categorical Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore the different ways to display categorical data and draw conclusions based on the representations.
icn_statistics_200x200 6 Chapter 5: Measuring Center and Spread
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students will learn multiple measures for center and spread, and will be introduced to the normal distribution and the empirical rule.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

Scientific and engineering practices. The student asks questions, identifies problems, and plans and safely conducts classroom, laboratory, and field investigations to answer questions, explain phenomena, or design solutions using appropriate tools and models. The student is expected to:

communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate;
SE Resource updt 3.01 Frequency Tables
Resource ID: SE131041 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about frequency and relative frequency tables.
SE Resource updt 3.03 Pie Charts
Resource ID: SE131043 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about pie charts and how to read and construct one.
SE Resource updt 3.04 Bar Charts
Resource ID: SE131044 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about bar charts as well as how to read and construct one.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131045 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will compare bar charts, pie charts, and frequency tables to see differences in results.
SE Resource updt 6.03 Venn Diagrams
Resource ID: SE131050 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students represent and calculate probabilities using Venn diagrams.
SE Resource updt 6.05 Contingency Tables
Resource ID: SE131052 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students calculate probabilities using a two-way contingency table.
SE Resource updt 6.06 Tree Diagrams
Resource ID: SE131053 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students calculate conditional probabilities using a tree diagram.
SE Resource updt 4.03 Dot Plots and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131060 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct our first visual beyond listing data: dot plots. We also begin our discussion of center, shape, spread, and outliers, and compare dot plots.
SE Resource updt 4.04 Stemplots and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131061 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct and compare stemplots, and continue our conversation about shape, center, spread, and outliers.
SE Resource updt 4.05 Histograms and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131062 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct histograms and use them to compare data distributions.
SE Resource updt 4.06 Box Plots and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131063 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct box plots and use them to compare data distributions. We also compare box plots and histograms.
2.1 Stem-and-Leaf Graphs (Stemplots), Line Graphs, and Bar Graphs icon 2.1 Stem-and-Leaf Graphs (Stemplots), Line Graphs, and Bar Graphs
Resource ID: eSV-MAtV@5 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 1
2.2 Histograms, Frequency Polygons, and Time Series Graphs icon 2.2 Histograms, Frequency Polygons, and Time Series Graphs
Resource ID: FD2QI1bM@5 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 2
2.3 Measures of the Location of the Data icon 2.3 Measures of the Location of the Data
Resource ID: 6UCxd3lw@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 3
2.4 Box Plots icon 2.4 Box Plots
Resource ID: 48GkH5jU@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 4
2.5 Measures of the Center of the Data icon 2.5 Measures of the Center of the Data
Resource ID: yu6IueVF@5 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 5
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: fLkOrLVn@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: RUi4-_8e@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: DYdZiAo5@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: RpD3tuKH@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Bringing It Out
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 3: Representing Categorical Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore the different ways to display categorical data and draw conclusions based on the representations.
icn_statistics_200x200 9 Chapter 6: Probability
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students explore probability and random variables.
icn_statistics_200x200 6 Chapter 4: Representing Quantitative Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore different ways to display quantitative data, and draw conclusions based on the representations.
2 Descriptive Statistics icon 16 2 Descriptive Statistics
Grade Range: HS - 12

ask questions and define problems based on observations or information from text, phenomena, models, or investigations;

create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas;
SE Resource updt 3.01 Frequency Tables
Resource ID: SE131041 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about frequency and relative frequency tables.
SE Resource updt 3.03 Pie Charts
Resource ID: SE131043 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about pie charts and how to read and construct one.
SE Resource updt 3.04 Bar Charts
Resource ID: SE131044 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about bar charts as well as how to read and construct one.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131045 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will compare bar charts, pie charts, and frequency tables to see differences in results.
SE Resource updt 4.01 Frequency Tables
Resource ID: SE131058 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we introduce frequency and relative frequency tables.
SE Resource updt 4.03 Dot Plots and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131060 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct our first visual beyond listing data: dot plots. We also begin our discussion of center, shape, spread, and outliers, and compare dot plots.
SE Resource updt 4.04 Stemplots and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131061 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct and compare stemplots, and continue our conversation about shape, center, spread, and outliers.
SE Resource updt 4.05 Histograms and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131062 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct histograms and use them to compare data distributions.
SE Resource updt 4.06 Box Plots and Comparing Distributions
Resource ID: SE131063 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we construct box plots and use them to compare data distributions. We also compare box plots and histograms.
1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling icon 1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling
Resource ID: Ip3IVktY@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Section 2
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 3: Representing Categorical Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore the different ways to display categorical data and draw conclusions based on the representations.
icn_statistics_200x200 6 Chapter 4: Representing Quantitative Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore different ways to display quantitative data, and draw conclusions based on the representations.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

use scientific practices to plan and conduct simple descriptive investigations and use engineering practices to design solutions to problems;

analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas; and
SE Resource updt 3.02 Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Frequencies
Resource ID: SE131042 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will expand their knowledge of frequency tables to two-way tables and several frequency and probability definitions.
SE Resource updt 6.01 Probability and the Law of Large Numbers
Resource ID: SE131048 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to the concept of probability using the Law of Large Numbers.
SE Resource updt 6.04 Independent and Mutually Exclusive Events
Resource ID: SE131051 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students calculate probabilities for independent events and mutually exclusive events.
SE Resource updt 6.05 Contingency Tables
Resource ID: SE131052 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students calculate probabilities using a two-way contingency table.
SE Resource updt 6.07 Discrete Random Variables
Resource ID: SE131054 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to discrete random variables.
SE Resource updt 6.08 The Binomial Distribution
Resource ID: SE131055 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this videos, students use the binomial distribution to find the expected value, variance, and probabilities associated with a binomial random variable.
SE Resource updt 6.09 Binomial Approximation
Resource ID: SE131056 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this videos, students approximate the binomial distribution with the normal distribution for large samples.
SE Resource updt 5.04 Visualizing and Transforming Data: Implications for Mean and Standard Deviation
Resource ID: SE131076 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we will observe how the mean and standard deviation change based on different values in a data set.
SE Resource updt 5.05 Introduction to the Empirical Rule
Resource ID: SE131077 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we introduce the normal distribution and the empirical rule.
SE Resource updt 5.06 The Normal Distribution
Resource ID: SE131078 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, we continue with the normal distribution and introduce how to use the Z table.
2.6 Skewness and the Mean, Median, and Mode icon 2.6 Skewness and the Mean, Median, and Mode
Resource ID: 2mxXJYjP@5 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 6
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: fLkOrLVn@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: RUi4-_8e@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: DYdZiAo5@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: RpD3tuKH@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Bringing It Out
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 3: Representing Categorical Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore the different ways to display categorical data and draw conclusions based on the representations.
icn_statistics_200x200 9 Chapter 6: Probability
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students explore probability and random variables.
icn_statistics_200x200 6 Chapter 5: Measuring Center and Spread
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students will learn multiple measures for center and spread, and will be introduced to the normal distribution and the empirical rule.
2 Descriptive Statistics icon 16 2 Descriptive Statistics
Grade Range: HS - 12
display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.
SE Resource updt 8.02 Confidence Interval for One Mean
Resource ID: SE131002 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn to construct a confidence interval for a population mean.
SE Resource updt 8.04 Interpreting Confidence Intervals
Resource ID: SE131004 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn to interpret a confidence interval.
SE Resource updt 8.05 Confidence Interval for One Proportion
Resource ID: SE131005 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn to construct and interpret a confidence interval for one proportion.
SE Resource updt 9.03 Hypothesis Test for One Mean, Part 2
Resource ID: SE131011 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn how to perform a hypothesis test for one mean and interpret its results.
SE Resource updt 9.04 Statistical Significance vs Practical Significance
Resource ID: SE131012 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the difference between statistical significance and practical significance.
SE Resource updt 9.05 Hypothesis Test for One Proportion, Part 1
Resource ID: SE131013 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn how to perform a hypothesis test for one proportion.
SE Resource updt 10.02 Confidence Interval for Two Independent Means
Resource ID: SE131018 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn to interpret a confidence interval for two independent means.
SE Resource updt 10.03 Hypothesis Test for Two Independent Means
Resource ID: SE131019 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn to interpret the results of a hypothesis test for two independent means.
SE Resource updt 10.04 Confidence Interval for Two Independent Proportions
Resource ID: SE131020 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn to interpret a confidence interval for two independent proportions.
SE Resource updt 6.04 Independent and Mutually Exclusive Events
Resource ID: SE131051 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students calculate probabilities for independent events and mutually exclusive events.
SE Resource updt 6.05 Contingency Tables
Resource ID: SE131052 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students calculate probabilities using a two-way contingency table.
SE Resource updt 6.07 Discrete Random Variables
Resource ID: SE131054 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to discrete random variables.
2.8 Descriptive Statistics icon 2.8 Descriptive Statistics
Resource ID: En6fvoLB@5 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Section 8
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: RUi4-_8e@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: DYdZiAo5@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: RpD3tuKH@5.123 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 2 Bringing It Out
icn_statistics_200x200 7 Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students will learn how to perform a hypothesis test and interpret its results.
icn_statistics_200x200 7 Chapter 8: Confidence Intervals
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students will learn how to construct and interpret a confidence interval for a population mean and a population proportion.
icn_statistics_200x200 5 Chapter 10: Comparing Two Groups
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students interpret confidence intervals and the results of hypothesis tests for the difference between two means and the difference between two proportions.
icn_statistics_200x200 9 Chapter 6: Probability
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students explore probability and random variables.
2 Descriptive Statistics icon 16 2 Descriptive Statistics
Grade Range: HS - 12

identify, describe, and demonstrate safe practices during classroom and field investigations as outlined in Texas Education Agency-approved safety standards;

Statistical process sampling and experimentation. The student applies mathematical processes to apply understandings about statistical studies, surveys, and experiments to design and conduct a study and use graphical, numerical, and analytical techniques to communicate the results of the study. The student is expected to:

use tools, including hand lenses, goggles, trays, cups, bowls, sieves or sifters, notebooks, terrariums, aquariums, samples (rocks, sand, soil, loam, gravel, clay, seeds, and plants), windsock, demonstration thermometer, rain gauge, straws, ribbons, non-standard measuring items, blocks or cubes, tuning fork, various flashlights, small paper cups, items that roll, noise makers, hot plate, opaque objects, transparent objects, foil pie pans, foil muffin cups, wax paper, Sun-Moon-Earth model, and plant life cycle model to observe, measure, test, and compare;

compare and contrast the benefits of different sampling techniques, including random sampling and convenience sampling methods;
SE Resource updt 2.01 Sample Surveys
Resource ID: SE131027 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to surveys and the idea that substantial size and random selection are necessary for good results.
SE Resource updt 2.02 Sources of Bias in Sampling and Surveys
Resource ID: SE131028 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about the bias that occurs in sampling.
SE Resource updt 2.03 Sampling Methods, Part 1
Resource ID: SE131029 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn various ways of obtaining sample data.
SE Resource updt 2.04 Sampling Methods, Part 2
Resource ID: SE131030 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students continue with practice problems about different sampling techniques.
1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling icon 1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling
Resource ID: Ip3IVktY@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Section 2
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 8 Chapter 2: Data Collection, Sampling, and Experimental Design
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore various methods of data collection and potential problems that may occur when collecting data.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

collect observations and measurements as evidence;

distinguish among observational studies, surveys, and experiments;
SE Resource updt 2.05 Experiments vs. Observational Studies
Resource ID: SE131031 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students explore the differences between experiments and observational studies.
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 8 Chapter 2: Data Collection, Sampling, and Experimental Design
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore various methods of data collection and potential problems that may occur when collecting data.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

record and organize data using pictures, numbers, words, symbols, and simple graphs; and


develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.

analyze generalizations made from observational studies, surveys, and experiments;
SE Resource updt 2.01 Sample Surveys
Resource ID: SE131027 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to surveys and the idea that substantial size and random selection are necessary for good results.
SE Resource updt 2.02 Sources of Bias in Sampling and Surveys
Resource ID: SE131028 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about the bias that occurs in sampling.
SE Resource updt 2.06 Three Principles of Experimental Design
Resource ID: SE131032 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about replication, randomization, and control when designing and implementing an experiment.
SE Resource updt 2.08 Generalizability of Results and Conclusions
Resource ID: SE131034 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn how to interpret results and draw conclusions based on them.
1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling icon 1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling
Resource ID: Ip3IVktY@6 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Section 2
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 8 Chapter 2: Data Collection, Sampling, and Experimental Design
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore various methods of data collection and potential problems that may occur when collecting data.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

Scientific and engineering practices. The student analyzes and interprets data to derive meaning, identify features and patterns, and discover relationships or correlations to develop evidence-based arguments or evaluate designs. The student is expected to:

distinguish between sample statistics and population parameters;
SE Resource updt 1.02 Statistics and Parameters
Resource ID: SE131024 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn the difference between statistics and parameters, and the variables associated with them.
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 3 Chapter 1: Exploring Data
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we introduce statistics, how it is used, and the types of data we come across in real life.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

identify basic advantages and limitations of models such as their size, properties, and materials;

formulate a meaningful question, determine the data needed to answer the question, gather the appropriate data, analyze the data, and draw reasonable conclusions;
SE Resource updt 2.01 Sample Surveys
Resource ID: SE131027 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students are introduced to surveys and the idea that substantial size and random selection are necessary for good results.
SE Resource updt 2.06 Three Principles of Experimental Design
Resource ID: SE131032 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn about replication, randomization, and control when designing and implementing an experiment.
SE Resource updt 2.08 Generalizability of Results and Conclusions
Resource ID: SE131034 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students learn how to interpret results and draw conclusions based on them.
Chapter Review icon Chapter Review
Resource ID: Rb_EL659@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Chapter Review
Practice icon Practice
Resource ID: PRdg6vGT@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Practice
Homework icon Homework
Resource ID: s7QyvDPq@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Homework
Bringing It Together: Homework icon Bringing It Together: Homework
Resource ID: -RLRJlE6@5.76 Grade Range: HS - 12
High School Stats Chapter 1 Bringing It Together: Homework
icn_statistics_200x200 8 Chapter 2: Data Collection, Sampling, and Experimental Design
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we explore various methods of data collection and potential problems that may occur when collecting data.
1 Sampling and Data icon 13 1 Sampling and Data
Grade Range: HS - 12
Sampling and Data

analyze data by identifying significant features and patterns;