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verify the Triangle Inequality theorem using constructions and apply the theorem to solve problems.
OnTrack logo Making and Verifying Conjectures About Triangles
Resource ID: GM4L15a Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given examples of triangles and their component parts, the student will use explorations and concrete models to verify and apply the Triangle Inequality theorem and find the sum of interior angles.
Proof and congruence. The student uses the process skills with deductive reasoning to prove and apply theorems by using a variety of methods such as coordinate, transformational, and axiomatic and formats such as two-column, paragraph, and flow chart. The student is expected to:
verify theorems about angles formed by the intersection of lines and line segments, including vertical angles, and angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal and prove equidistance between the endpoints of a segment and points on its perpendicular bisector and apply these relationships to solve problems;
OnTrack logo Constructing and Justifying Statements about Geometric Figures
Resource ID: GM1L12 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Students will distinguish between undefined terms, definitions, postulates, conjectures, and theorems and investigate patterns to make conjectures about geometric relationships.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures about Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Resource ID: GM4L14 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will verify theorems about angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal and apply these relationships to solve problems.
prove two triangles are congruent by applying the Side-Angle-Side, Angle-Side-Angle, Side-Side-Side, Angle-Angle-Side, and Hypotenuse-Leg congruence conditions;
OnTrack logo Applying Triangle Congruence Relationships
Resource ID: GM4L19 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given congruent triangles, the student will justify and apply triangle congruence relationships.
apply the definition of congruence, in terms of rigid transformations, to identify congruent figures and their corresponding sides and angles;
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures About Congruence Transformations
Resource ID: GM4L18 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given geometric figures on the coordinate plane, the student will apply the definition of congruence, in terms of rigid transformations, to identify congruent figures. The student will also identify a...
OnTrack logo Applying Triangle Congruence Relationships
Resource ID: GM4L19 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given congruent triangles, the student will justify and apply triangle congruence relationships.
verify theorems about the relationships in triangles, including proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, the sum of interior angles, base angles of isosceles triangles, midsegments, and medians, and apply these relationships to solve problems; and
OnTrack logo Using The Pythagorean Theorem
Resource ID: GM4L5 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will use triangle relationships to prove the Pythagorean Theorem and solve problems.
OnTrack logo Making and Verifying Conjectures About Triangles
Resource ID: GM4L15a Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given examples of triangles and their component parts, the student will use explorations and concrete models to verify and apply the Triangle Inequality theorem and find the sum of interior angles.
prove a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, rectangle, square, or rhombus using opposite sides, opposite angles, or diagonals and apply these relationships to solve problems.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures About Quadrilaterals
Resource ID: GM4L15b Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given examples of quadrilaterals and their component parts, the student will use explorations and concrete models to prove a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, rectangle, square, or rhombus using oppos...
OnTrack logo Using Logical Reasoning to Prove Conjectures About Quadrilaterals
Resource ID: GM1L18 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given conjectures about quadrilaterals, the student will use deductive reasoning and counterexamples to prove or disprove the conjectures.
Similarity, proof, and trigonometry. The student uses the process skills in applying similarity to solve problems. The student is expected to:
apply the definition of similarity in terms of a dilation to identify similar figures and their proportional sides and the congruent corresponding angles; and
OnTrack logo Solving Problems With Similar Figures
Resource ID: GM5L2 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving similar figures, the student will use ratios to solve the problems.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures About Similar Figures
Resource ID: GM5L1 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving similar figures, the student will use and extend similarity properties and transformations to explore and justify conjectures about the given figures.
OnTrack logo Applying Right Triangle Ratios
Resource ID: GM5L3 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will apply and prove the definition of similar triangles and identify and apply the relationships that exist when an altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, including the ...
apply the Angle-Angle criterion to verify similar triangles and apply the proportionality of the corresponding sides to solve problems.
OnTrack logo Applying Right Triangle Ratios
Resource ID: GM5L3 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will apply and prove the definition of similar triangles and identify and apply the relationships that exist when an altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, including the ...
Similarity, proof, and trigonometry. The student uses the process skills with deductive reasoning to prove and apply theorems by using a variety of methods such as coordinate, transformational, and axiomatic and formats such as two-column, paragraph, and flow chart. The student is expected to:
prove theorems about similar triangles, including the Triangle Proportionality theorem, and apply these theorems to solve problems; and
OnTrack logo Solving Problems With Similar Figures
Resource ID: GM5L2 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving similar figures, the student will use ratios to solve the problems.
OnTrack logo Applying Right Triangle Ratios
Resource ID: GM5L3 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will apply and prove the definition of similar triangles and identify and apply the relationships that exist when an altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, including the ...
identify and apply the relationships that exist when an altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, including the geometric mean, to solve problems.
OnTrack logo Applying Right Triangle Ratios
Resource ID: GM5L3 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will apply and prove the definition of similar triangles and identify and apply the relationships that exist when an altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, including the ...
Similarity, proof, and trigonometry. The student uses the process skills to understand and apply relationships in right triangles. The student is expected to:
determine the lengths of sides and measures of angles in a right triangle by applying the trigonometric ratios sine, cosine, and tangent to solve problems; and
OnTrack logo Applying Trigonometric Ratios
Resource ID: GM5L4 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving similar figures, the student will apply and justify triangle similarity relationships such as trigonometric ratios.
apply the relationships in special right triangles 30°-60°-90° and 45°-45°-90° and the Pythagorean theorem, including Pythagorean triples, to solve problems.
OnTrack logo Applying Pythagorean Triples to Solve Problems
Resource ID: GM2L8 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given verbal and pictorial representations of problem situations, the student will apply patterns from right triangles whose sides are Pythagorean Triples to solve the problems.
OnTrack logo Using The Pythagorean Theorem
Resource ID: GM4L5 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will use triangle relationships to prove the Pythagorean Theorem and solve problems.
OnTrack logo Applying Pythagorean Triples
Resource ID: GM5L5 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving similar figures, the student will apply and justify triangle similarity relationships such as Pythagorean triples.
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures. The student uses the process skills to recognize characteristics and dimensional changes of two- and three-dimensional figures. The student is expected to:
identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional shapes; and
OnTrack logo Describing and Drawing Cross Sections
Resource ID: GM3L1 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a verbal and/or pictorial description of the intersection of a plane with various three-dimensional geometric figures, the student will describe and/or draw the intersection.
determine and describe how changes in the linear dimensions of a shape affect its perimeter, area, surface area, or volume, including proportional and non-proportional dimensional change.
OnTrack logo Generalizing Geometric Properties of Ratios in Similar Figures
Resource ID: GM2L3 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Students will investigate patterns to make conjectures about geometric relationships and apply the definition of similarity, in terms of a dilation, to identify similar figures and their proportional ...
OnTrack logo Investigating and Applying Dimension Changes: Area
Resource ID: GM5L6b Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will describe the effects of changing one or more dimensions on the area of a figure.
OnTrack logo Investigating and Applying Dimension Changes: Perimeter
Resource ID: GM5L6a Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving similar figures, the student will describe the effect on perimeter when one or more dimensions of the figure are changed and apply this idea in solving problems.
OnTrack logo Investigating and Applying Dimension Changes: Volume
Resource ID: GM5L6c Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will describe the effects of changing one or more dimensions on the volume of a 3-dimensional figure.
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures. The student uses the process skills in the application of formulas to determine measures of two- and three-dimensional figures. The student is expected to:
apply the formula for the area of regular polygons to solve problems using appropriate units of measure;
OnTrack logo Determining Area: Regular Polygons and Circles
Resource ID: GM4L1 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will apply the formula for the area of regular polygons to solve problems.
determine the area of composite two-dimensional figures comprised of a combination of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, kites, regular polygons, or sectors of circles to solve problems using appropriate units of measure;
OnTrack logo Determining Area: Composite Figures
Resource ID: GM4L2 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given information about composite fiugres, the student will determine the area of composite 2-dimensional figures comprised of a combination of triangles and  parallelograms using appropriate uni...
OnTrack logo Applying Geometric Probability
Resource ID: GM4L6 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will find the area of polygons and circles. Then, the student will use probability to solve real-world problems.
apply the formulas for the total and lateral surface area of three-dimensional figures, including prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres, and composite figures, to solve problems using appropriate units of measure; and
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L9 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the surface area using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area and Volume of Spheres
Resource ID: GM4L11 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving spheres, the student will find the surface area and volume.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area and Volume of Composite Figures
Resource ID: GM4L12 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving composite figures made from prisms, pyramids, spheres, cones, and/or cylinders, the student will find the surface area and volume of the composite figure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area of Prisms and Pyramids
Resource ID: GM4L7 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving prisms or pyramids, the student will find the surface area using appropriate units of measure.
apply the formulas for the volume of three-dimensional figures, including prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres, and composite figures, to solve problems using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Making and Verifying Conjectures about Three-Dimensional Figures
Resource ID: GM1L11 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Students will explore volume conjectures and solve problems by applying  the volume formulas to composite figures.
OnTrack logo Determining the Volume of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L10 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the volume using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area and Volume of Spheres
Resource ID: GM4L11 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving spheres, the student will find the surface area and volume.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area and Volume of Composite Figures
Resource ID: GM4L12 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving composite figures made from prisms, pyramids, spheres, cones, and/or cylinders, the student will find the surface area and volume of the composite figure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Volume of Prisms and Pyramids
Resource ID: GM4L8 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving prisms or pyramids, the student will find the volume using appropriate units of measure.
Circles. The student uses the process skills to understand geometric relationships and apply theorems and equations about circles. The student is expected to:
apply theorems about circles, including relationships among angles, radii, chords, tangents, and secants, to solve non-contextual problems;
OnTrack logo Using Logical Reasoning to Prove Conjectures about Circles
Resource ID: GM1L19 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given conjectures about circles, the student will use deductive reasoning and counterexamples to prove or disprove the conjectures.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures About Circles and Segments
Resource ID: GM4L16 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given examples of circles and the lines that intersect them, the student will use explorations and concrete models to formulate and test conjectures about the properties and relationships among the re...
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures About Circles and Angles
Resource ID: GM4L16a Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given examples of circles and the lines that intersect them, the student will use explorations and concrete models to formulate and test conjectures about the properties of and relationships among the...
OnTrack logo Developing Algebraic Expressions to Represent Properties of Angles in Circles
Resource ID: GM2L5 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given numerical and/or geometric patterns that represent angle relationships in circles, the student will investigate inscribed angle relationships.
apply the proportional relationship between the measure of an arc length of a circle and the circumference of the circle to solve problems;
OnTrack logo Determining Arc Length
Resource ID: GM4L4 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem situation involving sectors of circles, the student will use proportional reasoning to solve the problem.
OnTrack logo Applying Geometric Probability
Resource ID: GM4L6 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will find the area of polygons and circles. Then, the student will use probability to solve real-world problems.
apply the proportional relationship between the measure of the area of a sector of a circle and the area of the circle to solve problems;
OnTrack logo Determining Area: Sectors of Circles
Resource ID: GM4L3 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Students will use proportional reasoning to develop formulas to determine the area of sectors of circles. Students will then solve problems involving the area of sectors of circles.
describe radian measure of an angle as the ratio of the length of an arc intercepted by a central angle and the radius of the circle; and
show that the equation of a circle with center at the origin and radius \(r\) is \(x^2 + y^2 = r^2\) and determine the equation for the graph of a circle with radius r and center \((h, k)\), \((x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 =r^2\).
Probability. The student uses the process skills to understand probability in real-world situations and how to apply independence and dependence of events. The student is expected to:
develop strategies to use permutations and combinations to solve contextual problems;
determine probabilities based on area to solve contextual problems;
OnTrack logo Applying Geometric Probability
Resource ID: GM4L6 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will find the area of polygons and circles. Then, the student will use probability to solve real-world problems.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L9 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the surface area using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Volume of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L10 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the volume using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures about Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Resource ID: GM4L14 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will verify theorems about angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal and apply these relationships to solve problems.
identify whether two events are independent and compute the probability of the two events occurring together with or without replacement;
OnTrack logo Applying Geometric Probability
Resource ID: GM4L6 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will find the area of polygons and circles. Then, the student will use probability to solve real-world problems.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L9 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the surface area using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Volume of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L10 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the volume using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures about Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Resource ID: GM4L14 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will verify theorems about angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal and apply these relationships to solve problems.
TEKS_PSgateway_thumb Introduction to Probability
Resource ID: MATH_GEO_PROB Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
This activity provides the opportunity to explore the difference between finding the probability of independent events and dependent events. It also addresses how to use a tree diagram when calculatin...
apply conditional probability in contextual problems; and
OnTrack logo Applying Geometric Probability
Resource ID: GM4L6 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will find the area of polygons and circles. Then, the student will use probability to solve real-world problems.
OnTrack logo Determining the Surface Area of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L9 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the surface area using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Determining the Volume of Cones and Cylinders
Resource ID: GM4L10 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
Given a problem involving cones or cylinders, the student will find the volume using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Making Conjectures about Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Resource ID: GM4L14 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
The student will verify theorems about angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal and apply these relationships to solve problems.
TEKS_PSgateway_thumb Introduction to Probability
Resource ID: MATH_GEO_PROB Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
This activity provides the opportunity to explore the difference between finding the probability of independent events and dependent events. It also addresses how to use a tree diagram when calculatin...
TEKS_PSgateway_thumb Absolute Value Inequalities
Resource ID: MATH_ALGII_ABSVAL Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
This activity provides an opportunity for students to examine how to find solutions to an absolute value inequality.
apply independence in contextual problems.
Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
SE Resource updt 4.03 Solving Systems of Equations: Word Problems
Resource ID: SE121042 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will explore real-world problems involving systems of equations.
SE Resource updt 2.01 Quadratic Functions
Resource ID: SE121024 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review the characteristics of quadratic functions.
SE Resource updt 1.01 Lines
Resource ID: SE121018 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students review lines and the formulas associated with them.
SE Resource updt 1.02 Functions
Resource ID: SE121019 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review properties of functions.
SE Resource updt 3.01 Exponential Functions
Resource ID: SE121001 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of exponential functions and their properties.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Solving Exponential Equations
Resource ID: SE121005 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.06 Solving Logarithmic Equations
Resource ID: SE121006 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with logarithmic functions.
SE Resource updt 3.07 Compound Interest
Resource ID: SE121007 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn about compound interest and how to calculate it using exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.08 Exponential and Logarithmic Models
Resource ID: SE121008 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about real life applications of exponential and logarithmic functions as models for natural phenomenon.
SE Precalculus 3 Chapter 4: Systems of Equations
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore the methods used to solve systems of equations, and real-world situations involving systems of equations.
SE Precalculus 6 Chapter 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore beyond linear functions and learn about polynomial and rational functions.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
SE Precalculus 8 Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will learn about the functions' graphs, how to solve equations involving those functions, and their real-wor...
use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution;
SE Resource updt 4.03 Solving Systems of Equations: Word Problems
Resource ID: SE121042 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will explore real-world problems involving systems of equations.
SE Resource updt 2.01 Quadratic Functions
Resource ID: SE121024 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review the characteristics of quadratic functions.
SE Resource updt 1.01 Lines
Resource ID: SE121018 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students review lines and the formulas associated with them.
SE Resource updt 1.02 Functions
Resource ID: SE121019 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review properties of functions.
SE Resource updt 3.01 Exponential Functions
Resource ID: SE121001 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of exponential functions and their properties.
SE Resource updt 3.03 Logarithmic Functions
Resource ID: SE121003 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of logarithmic functions and their properties.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Solving Exponential Equations
Resource ID: SE121005 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.06 Solving Logarithmic Equations
Resource ID: SE121006 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with logarithmic functions.
SE Resource updt 3.07 Compound Interest
Resource ID: SE121007 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn about compound interest and how to calculate it using exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.08 Exponential and Logarithmic Models
Resource ID: SE121008 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about real life applications of exponential and logarithmic functions as models for natural phenomenon.
SE Precalculus 3 Chapter 4: Systems of Equations
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore the methods used to solve systems of equations, and real-world situations involving systems of equations.
SE Precalculus 6 Chapter 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore beyond linear functions and learn about polynomial and rational functions.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
SE Precalculus 8 Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will learn about the functions' graphs, how to solve equations involving those functions, and their real-wor...
select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems;
SE Resource updt 4.03 Solving Systems of Equations: Word Problems
Resource ID: SE121042 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will explore real-world problems involving systems of equations.
SE Resource updt 2.01 Quadratic Functions
Resource ID: SE121024 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review the characteristics of quadratic functions.
SE Resource updt 1.01 Lines
Resource ID: SE121018 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students review lines and the formulas associated with them.
SE Resource updt 3.01 Exponential Functions
Resource ID: SE121001 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of exponential functions and their properties.
SE Resource updt 3.03 Logarithmic Functions
Resource ID: SE121003 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of logarithmic functions and their properties.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Solving Exponential Equations
Resource ID: SE121005 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.07 Compound Interest
Resource ID: SE121007 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn about compound interest and how to calculate it using exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.08 Exponential and Logarithmic Models
Resource ID: SE121008 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about real life applications of exponential and logarithmic functions as models for natural phenomenon.
SE Precalculus 3 Chapter 4: Systems of Equations
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore the methods used to solve systems of equations, and real-world situations involving systems of equations.
SE Precalculus 6 Chapter 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore beyond linear functions and learn about polynomial and rational functions.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
SE Precalculus 8 Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will learn about the functions' graphs, how to solve equations involving those functions, and their real-wor...
communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate;
SE Resource updt 4.01 Solving Systems of Equations: Substitution and Graphing
Resource ID: SE121040 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the techniques of substitution and solving by graphing, in addition to learning definitions of different systems of equations.
SE Resource updt 4.02 Solving Systems of Equations: Elimination
Resource ID: SE121041 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the technique of elimination when solving systems of equations.
SE Resource updt 3.02 Exponential Graphs
Resource ID: SE121002 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn to graph exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.04 Logarithmic Graphs
Resource ID: SE121004 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn to graph logarithmic functions.
SE Resource updt 3.05 Solving Exponential Equations
Resource ID: SE121005 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.06 Solving Logarithmic Equations
Resource ID: SE121006 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn how to solve equations with logarithmic functions.
SE Resource updt 3.07 Compound Interest
Resource ID: SE121007 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video students will learn about compound interest and how to calculate it using exponential functions.
SE Resource updt 3.08 Exponential and Logarithmic Models
Resource ID: SE121008 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about real life applications of exponential and logarithmic functions as models for natural phenomenon.
SE Precalculus 3 Chapter 4: Systems of Equations
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore the methods used to solve systems of equations, and real-world situations involving systems of equations.
SE Precalculus 8 Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will learn about the functions' graphs, how to solve equations involving those functions, and their real-wor...
create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas;
SE Resource updt 7.01 Sequences and Series, Part 1
Resource ID: SE121011 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of a sequence and how to calculate its general term.
SE Resource updt 7.02 Sequences and Series, Part 2
Resource ID: SE121012 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definitions of a recursive sequence and a series.
SE Resource updt 7.03 Arithmetic Sequences and Series
Resource ID: SE121013 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of an arithmetic sequence and how to calculate its general term.
SE Resource updt 7.04 Geometric Sequences and Series
Resource ID: SE121014 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of a geometric sequence and how to calculate its general term.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 7: Sequences and Series
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we introduce sequences and series, some of their applications, and the Binomial Theorem.
analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas; and
SE Resource updt 7.01 Sequences and Series, Part 1
Resource ID: SE121011 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of a sequence and how to calculate its general term.
SE Resource updt 7.02 Sequences and Series, Part 2
Resource ID: SE121012 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definitions of a recursive sequence and a series.
SE Resource updt 7.03 Arithmetic Sequences and Series
Resource ID: SE121013 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of an arithmetic sequence and how to calculate its general term.
SE Resource updt 7.04 Geometric Sequences and Series
Resource ID: SE121014 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of a geometric sequence and how to calculate its general term.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 7: Sequences and Series
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we introduce sequences and series, some of their applications, and the Binomial Theorem.
display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.
SE Resource updt 2.01 Quadratic Functions
Resource ID: SE121024 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review the characteristics of quadratic functions.
SE Resource updt 2.03 Polynomial and Power Functions
Resource ID: SE121026 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will use the characteristics of polynomial functions to identify and graph them.
SE Resource updt 2.05 Rational Functions
Resource ID: SE121028 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn to identify characteristics of rational functions and graph them.
SE Resource updt 3.01 Exponential Functions
Resource ID: SE121001 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of exponential functions and their properties.
SE Resource updt 3.03 Logarithmic Functions
Resource ID: SE121003 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn the definition of logarithmic functions and their properties.
SE Precalculus 6 Chapter 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, we will explore beyond linear functions and learn about polynomial and rational functions.
SE Precalculus 8 Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will learn about the functions' graphs, how to solve equations involving those functions, and their real-wor...
Functions. The student uses process standards in mathematics to explore, describe, and analyze the attributes of functions. The student makes connections between multiple representations of functions and algebraically constructs new functions. The student analyzes and uses functions to model real-world problems. The student is expected to:
use the composition of two functions to model and solve real-world problems;
SE Resource updt 1.03 Algebra of Functions
Resource ID: SE121020 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about the algebra of functions, including composition, and the domain restrictions associated with each case.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
demonstrate that function composition is not always commutative;
SE Resource updt 1.03 Algebra of Functions
Resource ID: SE121020 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about the algebra of functions, including composition, and the domain restrictions associated with each case.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
represent a given function as a composite function of two or more functions;
SE Resource updt 1.03 Algebra of Functions
Resource ID: SE121020 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about the algebra of functions, including composition, and the domain restrictions associated with each case.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
describe symmetry of graphs of even and odd functions;
SE Resource updt 1.05 Graphs of Functions
Resource ID: SE121022 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will review the graphs of several common functions along with transformations, reflections, stretching, compressing, and symmetry.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.
determine an inverse function, when it exists, for a given function over its domain or a subset of its domain and represent the inverse using multiple representations;
SE Resource updt 1.04 Inverse Functions
Resource ID: SE121021 Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this video, students will learn about inverse functions and how the original function and its inverse are related.
SE Precalculus 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs
Grade Range: 9 - 12 Subject: Math
In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.