Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs

SE Precalculus

Chapter 1: Introduction to Functions and Graphs

  • Subject(s): Math
  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Release date: 08-29-2017
  • Tags: slope-intercept, slope, point-slope, perpendicular, parallel, lines, intercept, general form, range, function, domain, composition, composite, one to one, inverse, horizontal line test, 1 to 1, translations, symmetry, stretch, shifts, reflections, graphing functions, compression


In this chapter, students are introduced to lines, functions, and graphs of functions.


M.P.1.A, M.P.1.B, M.P.1.C, M.P.2.A, M.P.2.B, M.P.2.C, M.P.2.E, M.P.2.D, M.P.2.F, M.P.2.G, M.P.2.I
