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apply qualitative and quantitative reasoning to solve prediction and comparison of real-world problems involving ratios and rates;
use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.
describe the physical processes that affect the environments of regions, including weather, tectonic forces, erosion, and soil-building processes; and
describe how physical processes such as hurricanes, El Niño, earthquakes, and volcanoes affect the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:

give examples of ratios as multiplicative comparisons of two quantities describing the same attribute;
Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. The student is expected to:
Geography. The student understands the patterns and characteristics of major landforms, climates, and ecosystems of Earth and the interrelated processes that produce them. The student is expected to:

complete simple and compound sentences with subject-verb agreement;

PBS Learning Media Waddle
Resource ID: PBS421 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
Get your students up and moving in this Kindergarten through 5th grade activity that connects literacy, creativity and movement! Students act out different animals in the book “Waddle” as the teacher ...
give examples of rates as the comparison by division of two quantities having different attributes, including rates as quotients;
use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution; and
represent ratios and percents with concrete models, fractions, and decimals;
use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a decision.
explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions;

past, present, and future verb tense;


singular, plural, common, and proper nouns;

represent benchmark fractions and percents such as 1%, 10%, 25%, 33 1/3%, and multiples of these values using 10 by 10 grids, strip diagrams, number lines, and numbers;
describe different landforms such as plains, mountains, and islands and the physical processes that cause their development; and

adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms;

generate equivalent forms of fractions, decimals, and percents using real-world problems, including problems that involve money; and
OnTrack logo Generating Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers
Resource ID: M6M1L2 Grade Range: 6 Subject: Math
Given information about a rational number in one form (fraction, decimal, or percent) in a real-world context such as financial mathematics, students will generate an equivalent rational number in a d...
ontrack_large_9_binder 2 OnTRACK Grade 6 Math Module 1
Grade Range: 6 Subject: Math
This OnTRACK Grade 6 math module feature resources that touch upon student expectations for mathematical process standards, number and operations, proportionality, and personal financial literacy.
explain the influence of climate on the distribution of biomes in different regions.

adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey manner;

convert units within a measurement system, including the use of proportions and unit rates.
Logo Measurement: Converting Units of Measure
Resource ID: T2T06 Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Measurement: Converting Units of Measure
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
Geography. The student understands how political, economic, and social processes shape cultural patterns and characteristics in various places and regions. The student is expected to:

prepositions and prepositional phrases;

Proportionality. The student applies mathematical process standards to solve problems involving proportional relationships. The student is expected to:
analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements; and

pronouns, including subjective, objective, and possessive cases;

represent mathematical and real-world problems involving ratios and rates using scale factors, tables, graphs, and proportions;
interpret political, economic, social, and demographic indicators (gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, literacy, and infant mortality) to determine the level of development and standard of living in nations using the levels as defined by the Human Development Index.
Geography. The student understands the types, patterns, and processes of settlement. The student is expected to:

coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects, predicates, and sentences;

solve real-world problems to find the whole given a part and the percent, to find the part given the whole and the percent, and to find the percent given the part and the whole, including the use of concrete and pictorial models; and
locate and describe human and physical features that influence the size and distribution of settlements; and

capitalization of official titles of people, holidays, and geographical names and places;

PBS Learning Media Music Video: Capitalize
Resource ID: PBS336 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Lisa sings "Time to Capitalize" to teach children the rules of capitalization. This resource teaches capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and the concept behind proper nouns.
PBS Learning Media How to Use the Correct Capitalization | No Nonsense Grammar
Resource ID: PBS358 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Capitalizing is extremely important. Not only is it proper writing, but it also makes writing look polished and finished. Learn what should be capitalized and what shouldn't!
use equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents to show equal parts of the same whole.
OnTrack logo Generating Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers
Resource ID: M6M1L2 Grade Range: 6 Subject: Math
Given information about a rational number in one form (fraction, decimal, or percent) in a real-world context such as financial mathematics, students will generate an equivalent rational number in a d...
ontrack_large_9_binder 2 OnTRACK Grade 6 Math Module 1
Grade Range: 6 Subject: Math
This OnTRACK Grade 6 math module feature resources that touch upon student expectations for mathematical process standards, number and operations, proportionality, and personal financial literacy.
Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to use multiple representations to describe algebraic relationships. The student is expected to:
explain the processes that have caused changes in settlement patterns, including urbanization, transportation, access to and availability of resources, and economic activities.

punctuation marks, including apostrophes in contractions and possessives and commas in compound sentences and items in a series; and

PBS Learning Media Forming and Using Possessive Nouns | No Nonsense Grammar
Resource ID: PBS335 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Possessives show when a noun belongs to someone. It is often indicated with an apostrophe "s," but when words end in "s" only an apostrophe is added. Screen reader support enabled.

correct spelling of words with grade-appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high-frequency words; and

identify independent and dependent quantities from tables and graphs;
Geography. The student understands the growth, distribution, movement, and characteristics of world population. The student is expected to:
analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends;

publish written work for appropriate audiences.

write an equation that represents the relationship between independent and dependent quantities from a table; and
Logo Multiple Representations: Tables to Equations and Graphs
Resource ID: T2T10 Grade Range: 6 - 8 Subject: Math
Learn about differences between multiple representations in 8th grade and in Algebra I, including tables, equations, and graphs.
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 6 - 8 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
explain how physical geography and push and pull forces, including political, economic, social, and environmental conditions, affect the routes and flows of human migration;

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful. The student is expected to:

represent a given situation using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations in the form \(y = kx\) or \(y = x + b\).
Logo Multiple Representations: Tables to Equations and Graphs
Resource ID: T2T10 Grade Range: 6 - 8 Subject: Math
Learn about differences between multiple representations in 8th grade and in Algebra I, including tables, equations, and graphs.
Logo Multiple Representations: Equations to Tables and Graphs
Resource ID: T2T11 Grade Range: 6 - 8 Subject: Math
Multiple Representations: Equations to Tables and Graphs
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 6 - 8 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
describe trends in world population growth and distribution; and

compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry, using genre characteristics and craft;