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compare the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations and explain how prior civilizations influenced their development; and
summarize historical events in which compromise resulted in a resolution such as the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act.
identify examples of nonprofit and/or civic organizations such as the Red Cross and explain how they serve the common good.
compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or ;
Culture. The student understands ethnic and/or cultural celebrations of the local community and other communities. The student is expected to:
represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations;
Logo Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Grade 4
Resource ID: T2T23 Grade Range: 4 - 5 Subject: Math
Addition and subtraction of fractions grade 4.
Logo Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers Grades 5–7
Resource ID: T2T24 Grade Range: 5 - 7 Subject: Math
Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers Grades 5–7
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 5 - 7 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
Child shows increasing control of tasks that require eye‐hand coordination.

discuss elements of drama such as characters, dialogue, and setting;

explain how the Inca and Aztec empires were impacted by European exploration/colonization.
Citizenship. The student understands the importance of effective leadership in a constitutional republic. The student is expected to:
explain the significance of various ethnic and/or cultural celebrations in the local community and other communities; and
PBS Learning Media Honk If You Agree
Resource ID: PBS339 Grade Range: 3 - 6 Subject: ELA & Reading
In these two lesson plans, students will learn to identify issues of importance, form their opinions, and support those opinions with evidence and reason. They will also learn how to state their feeli...
PBS Learning Media Historic Relationships Between Dogs and Humans
Resource ID: PBS458 Grade Range: 3 - 5 Subject: Social Studies
In this video segment from Nature, we learn that dogs were the first creatures to be domesticated. Ancient people thought of dogs as creatures of magic and as spiritual guardians. Dogs were often...
evaluate the reasonableness of sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1, referring to the same whole; and
Logo Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Grade 4
Resource ID: T2T23 Grade Range: 4 - 5 Subject: Math
Addition and subtraction of fractions grade 4.
Logo Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers Grades 5–7
Resource ID: T2T24 Grade Range: 5 - 7 Subject: Math
Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers Grades 5–7
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 5 - 7 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...

Personal Safety and Health


recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including:

History. The student understands the causes and impact of increased global interaction from 1450 to 1750. The student is expected to:
analyze the leadership qualities of elected and appointed leaders of the United States such as George Washington, John Marshall, and Abraham Lincoln; and
analyze the causes of European expansion from 1450 to 1750;
describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the United States such as Frederick Douglass, John Paul Jones, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
compare ethnic and/or cultural celebrations in the local community with other communities.
PBS Learning Media Historic Relationships Between Dogs and Humans
Resource ID: PBS458 Grade Range: 3 - 5 Subject: Social Studies
In this video segment from Nature, we learn that dogs were the first creatures to be domesticated. Ancient people thought of dogs as creatures of magic and as spiritual guardians. Dogs were often...
represent fractions and decimals to the tenths or hundredths as distances from zero on a number line.
Child practices good habits of personal safety.

the central idea and supporting evidence with adult assistance;

explain the impact of the Columbian Exchange;
Culture. The student understands the relationships between and among people from various groups, including racial, ethnic, and religious groups, during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. The student is expected to:
Culture. The student understands the role of heroes in shaping the culture of communities, the state, and the nation. The student is expected to:
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations and decimal sums and differences in order to solve problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to:
Child practices good habits of personal health and hygiene.

features and graphics to locate and gain information; and


organizational patterns such as chronological order and cause and effect stated explicitly;

explain the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on West Africa and the Americas;
identify racial, ethnic, and religious groups that settled in the United States and explain their reasons for immigration;
identify and compare the heroic deeds of state and national heroes, including Hector P. Garcia and James A. Lovell, and other individuals such as Harriet Tubman, Juliette Gordon Low, Todd Beamer, Ellen Ochoa, John "Danny" Olivas, and other contemporary heroes; and
add and subtract whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths place using the standard algorithm;
Logo Addition and Subtraction Grade 3
Resource ID: T2T04 Grade Range: 3 Subject: Math
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 3 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
Child identifies good habits of nutrition and exercise.

recognize characteristics of persuasive text, including:

explain the impact of the Ottoman Empire on Eastern Europe and global trade;
explain how urbanization contributed to conflicts resulting from differences in religion, social class, and political beliefs;
identify and analyze the heroic deeds of individuals, including military and first responders such as the Four Chaplains.
determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understandings;

stating what the author is trying to persuade the reader to think or do; and

explain Ming China's impact on global trade; and
identify ways conflicts between people from various racial, ethnic, and religious groups were addressed;
Culture. The student understands the importance of writers and artists to the cultural heritage of communities. The student is expected to:
represent the product of 2 two-digit numbers using arrays, area models, or equations, including perfect squares through 15 by 15;
Technology and Devices Skills

distinguishing facts from opinion; and

explain new economic factors and principles of Europe's Commercial Revolution.
analyze the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national identity; and
identify various individual writers and artists such as Kadir Nelson, Tomie dePaola, and Phillis Wheatley and their stories, poems, statues, and paintings and other examples of cultural heritage from various communities; and
use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply up to a four-digit number by a one-digit number and to multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial products, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties;