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develop social communication such as introducing himself/herself and others, relating experiences to a classmate, and expressing needs and feelings.

understand the contributions of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) led by General John J. Pershing, including the Battle of Argonne Forest;
describe and explain the importance of various beliefs, customs, language, and traditions of families and communities; and
explain the way folktales and legends such as Aesop's fables reflect beliefs, customs, language, and traditions of communities.
identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the factors leading to the expansion of the Texas frontier, the effects of westward expansion on American Indians, the buffalo soldiers, and Quanah Parker;

Behavior Control - Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from adults.


Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell. The student is expected to:

analyze the impact of machine guns, airplanes, tanks, poison gas, and trench warfare as significant technological innovations in World War I on the Western Front; and
analyze major issues raised by U.S. involvement in World War I, including isolationism, neutrality, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and the Treaty of Versailles.
Science, technology, and society. The student understands how technology affects daily life, past and present. The student is expected to:
identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the development of the cattle industry from its Spanish beginnings and the cowboy way of life;
Behavior Control - Child takes care of and manages classroom materials.

demonstrate phonological awareness by:


Behavior Control - Child regulates his own behavior with occasional reminders or assistance from adults.


producing a series of rhyming words;

PBS Learning Media Engagement | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS377 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Families play an important role in how well students do in school. Find information about the importance of teachers and parents working together on behalf of kids, as well as examples of programs tha...
PBS Learning Media Mighty Bright Knight | The Electric Company
Resource ID: PBS418 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Learn about the vocabulary words individual, opponent, merit, fortunately, and unfortunately with The Electric Company when a competition almost goes too far. Jessica and Manny compete to win the last...
History. The student understands the effects of reform and third-party movements in the early 20th century. The student is expected to:
describe how technology changes the ways families live;
identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the effects of the growth of railroads and the contributions of James Hogg; and
explain the political, economic, and social impact of the agricultural industry and the development of West Texas resulting from the close of the frontier.

Emotional Control - Child begins to understand the connection between emotions and behaviors.


recognizing spoken alliteration or groups of words that begin with the same spoken onset or initial sound;

PBS Learning Media <i>The Electric Company Magazine</i> | Issue Two
Resource ID: PBS338 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this issue of The Electric Company Magazine, children will build literacy skills through games and reading adventures with Jessica and the gang. Screen reader support enabled.
PBS Learning Media Engagement | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS377 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Families play an important role in how well students do in school. Find information about the importance of teachers and parents working together on behalf of kids, as well as examples of programs tha...
PBS Learning Media Sight Word Spelling
Resource ID: PBS407 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 2 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this lesson students explore with movement and creativity to make words come alive! Using sight word flashcards, students use their bodies to spell out simple sight words.&nbsp;
PBS Learning Media Electric Pinball: -AVE, -ANK, and -ANG
Resource ID: PBS461 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
A boy plays Electric Pinball making words containing the common endings "-ank," "-ang," and "-ave." This resource teaches reading, sight-reading, pronunciation, spelling, phonics, and decoding.
analyze the impact of Progressive Era reforms, including initiative, referendum, recall, and the passage of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments;
describe how technology changes communication, transportation, and recreation; and
History. The student understands how individuals, events, and issues shaped the history of Texas during the late 19th, 20th, and early 21st centuries. The student is expected to:

Emotional Control - Child uses verbal and nonverbal communication to communicate basic emotions and feelings.


distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds in one-syllable words;

PBS Learning Media <i>The Electric Company Magazine</i> | Issue Two
Resource ID: PBS338 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this issue of The Electric Company Magazine, children will build literacy skills through games and reading adventures with Jessica and the gang. Screen reader support enabled.
PBS Learning Media Tips from the Playground: OE
Resource ID: PBS370 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Reggie explains the different sounds made by the "oe" letter combination. He uses the sentence, "Your toes come before your shoes," to help students distinguish between the two sounds while reading.&n...
PBS Learning Media Engagement | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS377 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Families play an important role in how well students do in school. Find information about the importance of teachers and parents working together on behalf of kids, as well as examples of programs tha...
PBS Learning Media Lights, Camera, Beetles | The Electric Company
Resource ID: PBS399 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Jessica and Hector plan to surprise their cousin with a bug zoo for his birthday party. When Francine steals the prized rhino beetle, it's up to the Electric Company to get it back in time to save the...
PBS Learning Media Road Trip—OO
Resource ID: PBS431 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Charlotte and Henry play a game comparing words which use the "oo" letter combination and the different sounds they make. This resource teaches reading, sight-reading, speeling, pronunciation, and dec...
evaluate the impact of muckrakers and reform leaders such as Upton Sinclair, Susan B. Anthony, Jane Addams, Ida B. Wells, and W. E. B. DuBois on American society; and
describe how technology changes the way people work.
explain how the oil industry led to the industrialization of Texas;

Emotional Control - Child is able to manage intensity of emotions more consistently, although adult guidance is sometimes necessary.


recognizing the change in spoken word when a specified phoneme is added, changed, or removed;

PBS Learning Media <i>The Electric Company Magazine</i> | Issue Two
Resource ID: PBS338 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this issue of The Electric Company Magazine, children will build literacy skills through games and reading adventures with Jessica and the gang. Screen reader support enabled.
PBS Learning Media Engagement | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS377 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Families play an important role in how well students do in school. Find information about the importance of teachers and parents working together on behalf of kids, as well as examples of programs tha...
analyze the impact of third parties, including the Populist and Progressive parties.
Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology. The student is expected to:
define and trace the impact of "boom-and-bust" cycles of leading Texas industries throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries such as farming, oil and gas production, cotton, ranching, real estate, banking, and computer technology;
Control of Attention - Child sustains attention to personally chosen or routine (teacher‐ directed) tasks until completed.

blending spoken phonemes to form one-syllable words, including initial and/or final consonant blends;

PBS Learning Media <i>The Electric Company Magazine</i> | Issue Two
Resource ID: PBS338 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this issue of The Electric Company Magazine, children will build literacy skills through games and reading adventures with Jessica and the gang. Screen reader support enabled.
PBS Learning Media Engagement | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS377 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Families play an important role in how well students do in school. Find information about the importance of teachers and parents working together on behalf of kids, as well as examples of programs tha...
PBS Learning Media Shock & Friends Phonics Rap: L Blends
Resource ID: PBS394 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Shock and James sing a song using "L blends," specifically the "sl" combination. The goal of this resource is decoding and sight-reading.
PBS Learning Media Music Video: Chunking
Resource ID: PBS397 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Jessica and Shock rap about chunking, a method used to break down multi-syllable words. This resource teaches reading, sight-reading, decoding, and spelling.
PBS Learning Media Lights, Camera, Beetles | The Electric Company
Resource ID: PBS399 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Jessica and Hector plan to surprise their cousin with a bug zoo for his birthday party. When Francine steals the prized rhino beetle, it's up to the Electric Company to get it back in time to save the...
PBS Learning Media Electric Sound Off—N Blends
Resource ID: PBS406 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Marcus and Annie play Electric Sound Off.&nbsp; In order to win, they must create sentences using the most "n-blends," words in which the letter "n" works with another letter.&nbsp;
PBS Learning Media Sight Word Spelling
Resource ID: PBS407 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 2 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this lesson students explore with movement and creativity to make words come alive! Using sight word flashcards, students use their bodies to spell out simple sight words.&nbsp;
PBS Learning Media R Blends
Resource ID: PBS408 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
This resource group teaches students all about "r" consonant digraphs. It goes over common "r" blends, such as "tr" and "gr," and teaches students how to pronounce these blends.
PBS Learning Media Mighty Bright Knight | The Electric Company
Resource ID: PBS418 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Learn about the vocabulary words individual, opponent, merit, fortunately, and unfortunately with The Electric Company when a competition almost goes too far. Jessica and Manny compete to win the last...
PBS Learning Media Road Trip—N Blends
Resource ID: PBS437 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
While in the car with their father, Charlotte and Henry play a game comparing n-blends in words like "around" and "bang" on billboards and signs along the road.&nbsp;The goal of this resource is decod...
History. The student understands significant events, social issues, and individuals of the 1920s. The student is expected to:
obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid oral sources such as conversations, interviews, and music;
describe and compare the impact of reform movements in Texas in the 19th and 20th centuries such as progressivism, populism, women's suffrage, agrarianism, labor reform, and the conservative movement of the late 20th century;

Control of Attention - Child remains focused on engaging, teacher-led group activities for up to 20 minutes.

manipulating phonemes within base words; and

analyze causes and effects of events and social issues such as immigration, Social Darwinism, the Scopes Trial, eugenics, race relations, nativism, the Red Scare, Prohibition, and the changing role of women; and
obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, symbols, electronic media, maps, literature, and artifacts; and
Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
analyze the impact of significant individuals such as Henry Ford, Marcus Garvey, and Charles A. Lindbergh.
sequence and categorize information.
apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
describe and compare the civil rights and equal rights movements of various groups in Texas in the 20th century and identify key leaders in these movements such as James L. Farmer Jr., Hector P. Garcia, Oveta Culp Hobby, Lyndon B. Johnson, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Jane McCallum, and Lulu Belle Madison White; and
Relationships with Others

segmenting spoken one-syllable words of three to five phonemes into individual phonemes, including words with initial and/or final consonant blends;

PBS Learning Media Engagement | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS377 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Families play an important role in how well students do in school. Find information about the importance of teachers and parents working together on behalf of kids, as well as examples of programs tha...
PBS Learning Media Sight Word Spelling
Resource ID: PBS407 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 2 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this lesson students explore with movement and creativity to make words come alive! Using sight word flashcards, students use their bodies to spell out simple sight words.&nbsp;