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identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 to the present and describe their defining characteristics; and
identify historical figures such as Benjamin Franklin, Francis Scott Key, and Eleanor Roosevelt who have exemplified good citizenship; and

Fine–Motor Development

draw conclusions and generate and answer questions using information from picture and bar-type graphs.
explain the issues surrounding significant events of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of Gonzales; the siege of the Alamo, William B. Travis's letter "To the People of Texas and All Americans in the World," and the heroism of the diverse defenders who gave their lives there; the Constitutional Convention of 1836; Fannin's surrender at Goliad; and the Battle of San Jacinto.
explain the significance of the following years as turning points: 1898 (Spanish-American War), 1914-1918 (World War I), 1929 (the Great Depression begins), 1939-1945 (World War II), 1957 (Sputnik launch ignites U.S.-Soviet space race), 1968 (Martin Luther King Jr. assassination), 1969 (U.S. lands on the moon), 1991 (Cold War ends), 2001 (terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon), and 2008 (election of first black president, Barack Obama).
identify other individuals who exemplify good citizenship.

Child experiments with a variety of fine motor tasks but may lack   strength and control.

Personal financial literacy. The student applies mathematical process standards to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. The student is expected to:
History. The student understands how individuals, events, and issues shaped the history of the Republic of Texas and early Texas statehood. The student is expected to:
History. The student understands the political, economic, and social changes in the United States from 1877 to 1898. The student is expected to:
Citizenship. The student understands important symbols, customs, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles and contribute to our national identity. The student is expected to:

Child shows emerging proficiency in tasks requiring eye-hand   coordination.

explain state and national patriotic symbols, including the United States and Texas flags, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and the Alamo;
define money earned as income;
identify individuals, events, and issues during the administrations of Republic of Texas Presidents Houston, Lamar, and Jones such as the Texas Navy, the Texas Rangers, Jack Coffee Hays, Chief Bowles, William Goyens, Mary Maverick, José Antonio Navarro, the Córdova Rebellion, the Council House Fight, the Santa Fe Expedition, slavery, and the roles of racial and ethnic groups;
analyze political issues such as Indian policies, the growth of political machines, and civil service reform;
analyze economic issues such as industrialization, the growth of railroads, the growth of labor unions, farm issues, the cattle industry boom, the growth of entrepreneurship, and the pros and cons of big business; and
recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag and the Pledge to the Texas Flag;
identify income as a means of obtaining goods and services, oftentimes making choices between wants and needs;
analyze the causes of and events leading to Texas annexation such as security and public debt; and

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion. The student is expected to:


Self Concept

analyze social issues affecting women, minorities, children, immigrants, and urbanization.
identify anthems and mottoes of Texas and the United States;
distinguish between spending and saving; and
identify individuals, events, and issues during early Texas statehood, including the U.S.- Mexican War, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, slavery, and the Compromise of 1850.
History. The student understands how events and issues shaped the history of Texas during the Civil War and Reconstruction. The student is expected to:

listen actively, ask relevant questions to clarify information, and answer questions using multi-word responses;

PBS Learning Media What is Communication? | IPTV KIDS Clubhouse
Resource ID: PBS225 Grade Range: PreK - 2 Subject: ELA & Reading
Exploring our world is fun! Abby Brown, IPTV KIDS Clubhouse co-host, loves to help kids have fun while learning! In this segment, kids learn about a variety of verbal and nonverbal ways to send and re...
PBS Learning Media The Most Magical Magician's Convention | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS344 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Everyone in the Botsford family is excited to attend the Magician's Convention, except for Becky.

Child is aware of where own body is in space and respects personal boundaries.

History. The student understands the emergence of the United States as a world power between 1898 and 1920. The student is expected to:
explain and practice voting as a way of making choices and decisions;
consider charitable giving.
explain the central role the expansion of slavery played in the involvement of Texas in the Civil War;

follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short, related sequence of actions;


Child shows self-awareness of physical attributes, personal preferences, and own abilities.

explain why significant events, policies, and individuals, including the Spanish-American War, U.S. expansionism, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, and Sanford B. Dole moved the United States into the position of a world power;
explain how patriotic customs and celebrations reflect American individualism and freedom; and
identify significant events concerning Texas and the Civil War such as the Battle of Galveston, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the Battle of Palmito Ranch; and

share information and ideas about the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace and using the conventions of language;


Child shows reasonable opinion of his own abilities and limitations.

evaluate American expansionism, including acquisitions such as Guam, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico;
identify Constitution Day as a celebration of American freedom.
explain the political, economic, and social effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction in Texas.

work collaboratively with others by following agreed-upon rules for discussion, including listening to others, speaking when recognized, and making appropriate contributions; and


Child shows initiative in trying new activities and demonstrates perseverance when attempting to overcome obstacles or challenges.

identify the causes of World War I and reasons for U.S. entry;
Culture. The student understands the importance of family and community beliefs, customs, language, and traditions. The student is expected to:
History. The student understands how individuals, events, and issues shaped the history of Texas from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century. The student is expected to:

develop social communication such as introducing himself/herself and others, relating experiences to a classmate, and expressing needs and feelings.