Test Prep for AP<sup>®</sup> Courses

Test Prep for AP® Courses

If a neuron has damaged synapses, what would be impaired?
  1. Integration of signals from several synapses
  2. Speed of signal transduction
  3. Receiving signals from other neurons
  4. Ability to recharge electrical signals
Signal transmission from one neuron to another requires a series of processes pertaining to different components of each neuron. What happens at the axon terminals to facilitate signal transmission to another neuron?
  1. Chemicals released at the axon terminals transmit signals through synapses into other neurons via the second neuron’s dendrites.
  2. Chemicals released at the axon terminals transmit signals through synapses into other neurons via the second neuron’s axons.
  3. Chemicals released at the dendrites transmit signals through synapses into other neurons via the second neuron’s axon terminal.
  4. Chemicals released at the axon terminals transmit signals directly into other neurons via the second neuron’s axons.

This figure shows a malformed neuron. Why would this neuron be nonfunctional?

This figure shows a colored unlabeled portrait of a malformed nonfunctional neuron. The neuron lacks axon terminals.

  1. This neuron would not be able to receive signals.
  2. This neuron would not be able to recharge the signal.
  3. This neuron would not be able to integrate information from numerous synapses.
  4. This neuron would not be able to send signals.
18This figure shows the transmission of a signal among a network of neurons. How is a signal transferred from one neuron to another?

Illustration shows a network of neurons.

  1. A signal is released from an axon, passes through the axon terminal, and synapses with dendrites. Dendrites receive the signal, which passes through the soma. Multiple signals from a single synapse are integrated at the axon hillock, which then passes the signal into the axon, where the signal is transferred to another cell.
  2. A signal is released from axon terminal, passes through the axon, and synapse with dendrites. Dendrites receive the signal, which passes through the soma. Multiple signals from multiple synapses are integrated at the axon hillock, which then passes the signal into the axon, where the signal is transferred to another cell.
  3. A signal is released from an axon and passes through the axon terminal, which synapses with dendrites. Dendrites receive the signal as it passes through the soma. Multiple signals from multiple synapses are integrated at the axon hillock, which then passes the signal into the axon, where the signal is transferred to another cell.
  4. A signal is released from the axon terminal, passes through the axon, and synapse with dendrites. Dendrites receive the signal as it passes through the soma. Multiple signals from a single synapse are integrated at the axon hillock, which then passes the signal into the axon, where the signal is transferred to another cell.
Transmission of signals between two neurons requires proper communication between neurons. Dendrites are a component of many neurons that facilitate signal reception. Which of the following is true of dendrites?
  1. All neurons have several dendrites for signal reception.
  2. Dendritic spines decrease possible synaptic connections.
  3. Dendrites carry the signal to the soma.
  4. Chemical release at dendrites allows signal communication to other cells.
20Resting membrane potential has a negative charge. Which ions correspond to each row of data in the chart?

This table is titled Ion Concentration Inside and Outside Neurons, and has four columns and five rows. The first row is a header row with first column Ion, second column Extracellular concentration m M, third column Intracellular concentration m M, fourth column Ratio outside inside. Rows in Ion column are 1, 2, 3, Organic anions A minus. Rows in Extracellular concentration column are the values 145, 4, 120, dash. Rows in Intracellular concentration column rows are the values 12, 155, 4, 100. Rows in Ratio outside inside column are the values 12, 0.026, 30, blank.

  1. Ion 1: Cl-, Ion 2: Na+, Ion 3: K+
  2. Ion 1: Na+, Ion 2: K+, Ion 3: Cl-
  3. Ion 1: K+, Ion 2: Na+, Ion 3: Cl-
  4. Ion 1:Cl-, Ion 2: K+, Ion 3: Na+
Voltage-gated ion channels are essential for producing an action potential and returning a neuron to its resting state. Why would it be impossible to trigger an action potential without voltage-gated ion channels?
  1. The cell would not undergo depolarization, which is necessary to fire an action potential and then return the cell to the resting state.
  2. The cell would not undergo repolarization, which is necessary to fire an action potential and then return the cell to the resting state.
  3. The cell would not undergo depolarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization, which are necessary to fire an action potential and then return the cell to the resting state.
  4. The cell would not undergo depolarization and hyperpolarization, which are necessary to fire an action potential and then return the cell to the resting state.
22When an action potential is fired, what happens immediately after the peak action potential occurs? Refer to the figure.

This is a line graph that describes when an action potential is fired. The graph is labeled with membrane potential, millivolts, over time. Membrane potential m V is shown on the y-axis. Time is plotted on the x-axis. The membrane potential is measured at five different plots on the graph, with each succeeding the other as a measure of time. Each point is labeled with a number and title. Plot 1 is labeled Resting potential and is plotted at negative 70 m V on the y-axis. Plot 2 is labeled Threshold of excitation and is plotted at negative 55 m V on the y-axis. The peak of the line graph is labeled 3, and is labeled the Peak action potential at positive 30 m V. Plots 4 and 5 are labeled Repolarization and Hyperpolarization. Both are plotted below the negative 70 m V point on the y-axis.

  1. Na+ channels open.
  2. K+ channels open.
  3. K+ channels close.
  4. Na+/K+ transporter restores resting potential.
Potassium channel blockers, such as amiodarone and procainamide, which are used to treat abnormal electrical activity in the heart, impede the movement of K+through voltage-gated K+channels. Which part of the action potential would potassium channels affect, and why?
  1. Depolarization after peak action potential would be affected because that is the point when K+ begins to leave the cell.
  2. Repolarization after peak action potential would be affected because that is the point when K+ begins to leave the cell.
  3. Repolarization after peak action potential would be affected because that is the point when K+ begins to enter the cell.
  4. Polarization after peak action potential would be affected because that is the point when K+ begins to enter the cell.
24This figure shows the transfer of an action potential through a neuron.

This figure shows the transfer of an action potential through a neuron. The top of the figure shows a detailed physical drawing of the neuron. From the left the soma, axon, and axon terminal are labeled. There are three separate panels below the labeled neuron that show what occurs when the action potential is conducted down the axon. In panel 1, the soma end of the axon becomes depolarized in response to a signal. In panel 2, depolarization spreads down the axon. In panel 3, the action potential continues to travel down the axon.

What is occurring in panel 3?

  1. Depolarization occurs closest to the cell body.
  2. The first part of the neuron cannot fire another action potential.
  3. The first part of the neuron can fire another action potential.
  4. Sodium channels have closed.
25This figure depicts an essential component of signal formation and transmission in neurons.

This figure shows a voltage-gated ion channel in the open stage that is a response to nerve impulse. The voltage-gated channel is shown as a transmembrane protein embedded within the cytoplasmic membrane of the nerve cell. Since the channel is open, the migration of ions is shown entering into the channel to the intracellular compartment of the cell, as designated by a black-dotted arrow going from the extracellular side to the intracellular side of the cell. Caption reads Open in response to a nerve impulse, the gate opens and sodium ion enters the cell.

What is happening in this figure?

  1. A nerve impulse opens the Na+ channel, which makes Na+ enter the cell and depolarizes the membrane.
  2. A nerve impulse opens the Ca+2 channel, which makes Ca+2 enter the cell and depolarizes the membrane.
  3. A nerve impulse opens the Na+ channel, which makes Na+ enter the cell and repolarizes the membrane.
  4. A nerve impulse opens the K+ channel, which makes K+ enter the cell and polarizes the membrane.
Chemical and electrical synapse are two mechanisms by which signals can be transferred between neurons. Which of the following occurs during chemical synapse?
  1. Repolarization occurs at the presynaptic membrane
  2. Calcium influx causes synaptic vesicles to fuse to the membrane
  3. Neurotransmitters diffuse out of gap junctions
  4. Neurotransmitters bind to synaptic vesicles
Chemical synapse is a multiple-step process in which neurotransmitters undergo transfer and binding to different parts of the cell. What happens when a neurotransmitter binds to ligand-gated ion channels?
  1. The ligand-gated ion channels open.
  2. The presynaptic neuron reuptakes the neurotransmitter.
  3. The neurotransmitter diffuses away from the synapse.
  4. The neurotransmitter is enzymatically degraded.
Different components of the brain control different parts of the body. One important part of the brain is the occipital lobe. What might happen if an individual’s occipital lobe was damaged?
  1. The individual would not feel hot or cold.
  2. The individual would be unable to form new memories.
  3. The individual would be unable to recognize certain objects.
  4. The individual would have no sense of smell.
Both cerebral hemispheres are essential for proper body function. However, the left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body, whereas the right cerebral hemisphere controls the left side of the body. Why is this the case?
  1. The descending neural connections are not switched in the brainstem, which means that the neural connections of the left hemisphere are transmitted to the right side of the body and vice versa.
  2. The ascending neural connections are not switched in the brainstem, which means that the neural connections of the left hemisphere are transmitted to the right side of the body and vice versa.
  3. The descending neural connections are switched in the brainstem, which means that the neural connections of the left hemisphere are transmitted to the right side of the body and vice versa.
  4. The ascending neural connections are switched in the brainstem, which means that the neural connections of the left hemisphere are transmitted to the right side of the body and vice versa.
30If an increased number of folds in the cortical sheets of the brain is associated with increased social complexity, which animal has the greatest social complexity? Refer to the figure.

This figure shows the different shapes and sizes of brains of different species of organisms. At the top of the figure, it shows an outline of an illustration of a rat, cat, and human with their brains visible within the outline of each. Each outline of each species is next to each other for size reference. Under the outline are enlarged and further detailed images of the brain and partial brain stem of other species, ranging in size from small to big. The images start with a rat brain (the smallest image) and proceed to an image of a cat brain, chimpanzee brain, human brain, and dolphin brain, each of which increases in size and detail of folds of the brain.

  1. Rat
  2. Dolphin
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Cat
31This image shows a cross section of the spinal column.

This image is of a cross section of the brain. In the image, the gray matter is shown depicted in the form of an X inside of the oval-shaped and slightly tan-colored white matter. The legs of the X are thicker than the arms. Each leg is called a ventral horn, and each arm is called a dorsal horn.

How does gray matter facilitate communication along the spinal column?

  1. All myelin sheaths are located in the gray matter, which transmit signals along the brain and spinal cord through the gray matter.
  2. All synapses are located in the gray matter, which transmit signals along the brain and spinal cord through the gray matter.
  3. All synapses are located in the gray matter, which transmit signals along the spinal cord through the gray matter.
  4. All dendrites are located in the gray matter, which transmit signals along the spinal cord through the gray matter.
32This figure depicts the parts of the body that are controlled by different parts of the motor cortex.

This figure depicts parts of the body controlled by the cerebral cortex. The words motor complex, right hemisphere, appear at the bottom left-hand side of the image. The cerebral cortex is depicted as a reverse C-shaped structure that opens to the left. On the right-hand side of the outer rim of this structure are rainbow-colored sections that label the various processes and parts of the body that are controlled by that particular segment of the brain. Black lines emanate from each section to label the body part controlled by that segment. Parts or processes of the body shown in this image, from top left of cerebral cortex to bottom right, include the toes, ankles, knees, hips, trunk, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, thumbs, neck, eyebrows and eyelids, eyeballs, face, lips, jaw, tongue, salivation, chewing, and swallowing.

What can be inferred about the organization of the motor cortex relative to the organization of muscles in the body?

  1. The motor cortex is found throughout the body.
  2. Motor cortex neurons are generally located near neurons that control nearby body parts.
  3. Motor cortex neurons control speaking and processing what an individual reads.
  4. The motor cortex controls involuntary muscle movements.
33This figure represents a split-brain individual processing information.

This figure shows an overhead view of a split-brain individual processing information while sitting at a desk with objects in front of them. The desk appears in the background and has several objects on it. Appearing from left to right, these objects are sitting towards the top of the desk as follows: a sharpened pencil, a key being held by the person sitting at the desk, the number 3, the letter H at center of desk, a ring, a hammer, and a fork. The person is sitting at the desk behind these items. In the foreground, an overhead view shows the brain split into two and a cartoon bubble saying what each side of the brain sees. The left bubble says key. The right bubble says ring. The person has a dialogue bubble appearing on the right side of the image that says ring.

What has happened to the brain of this individual? Why does the processing of information occur as depicted?

  1. The parietal lobe has been cut, which severs the ability of the left hemisphere from communicating but increases the ability of the right hemisphere.
  2. The corpus callosum has been cut, which severs the ability of the left hemisphere from communicating but increases the ability of the right hemisphere.
  3. The frontal lobe has been cut, which severs the ability of the left and right hemispheres to communicate.
  4. The corpus callosum has been cut, which severs the ability of the left and right hemispheres to communicate.
The thalamus is part of the brain that is involved in various functions in the human body. What might result from the damage of an individual’s thalamus?
  1. Insomnia
  2. Lack of interest in everything
  3. Lack of fear
  4. Inability to learn new motor tasks