Test Prep

Test Prep

Test Prep

Multiple Choice


11.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy

The temperature difference of 1 K is the same as
  1. 1 degree Celsius
  2. 1 degree Fahrenheit
  3. 273.15 degrees Celsius
  4. 273.15 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the preferred temperature scale used in scientific laboratories?

  1. celsius
  2. fahrenheit
  3. kelvin
  4. rankine

11.2 Heat, Specific Heat, and Heat Transfer


Which phase of water has the largest specific heat?

  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas

What kind of heat transfer requires no medium?

  1. conduction
  2. convection
  3. reflection
  4. radiation

Which of these substances has the greatest specific heat?

  1. copper
  2. mercury
  3. aluminum
  4. wood

Give an example of heat transfer through convection.

  1. The energy emitted from the filament of an electric bulb
  2. The energy coming from the sun
  3. A pan on a hot burner
  4. Water boiling in a pot

11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat

What are the SI units of latent heat?
  1. J/kg
  2. J.kg
  3. J/cal
  4. cal/kg

Which substance has the largest latent heat of fusion?

  1. gold
  2. water
  3. mercury
  4. tungsten

In which phase changes does matter undergo a transition to a more energetic state?

  1. freezing and vaporization
  2. melting and sublimation
  3. melting and vaporization
  4. melting and freezing
A room has a window made from thin glass. The room is colder than the air outside. There is some condensation on the glass window. On which side of the glass would the condensation most likely be found?
  1. Condensation is on the outside of the glass when the cool, dry air outside the room comes in contact with the cold pane of glass.
  2. Condensation is on the outside of the glass when the warm, moist air outside the room comes in contact with the cold pane of glass.
  3. Condensation is on the inside of the glass when the cool, dry air inside the room comes in contact with the cold pane of glass.
  4. Condensation is on the inside of the glass when the warm, moist air inside the room comes in contact with the cold pane of glass.

Short Answer


11.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy


What is absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale?

  1. 0 °F
  2. 32 °F
  3. -273.15 °F
  4. -459.67 °F

What is absolute zero on the Celsius scale?

  1. 0 °C
  2. 273.15 °C
  3. -459.67 °C
  4. -273.15 °C
A planet’s atmospheric pressure is such that water there boils at a lower temperature than it does at sea level on Earth. If a Celsius scale is derived on this planet, will it be the same as that on Earth?
  1. The Celsius scale derived on the planet will be the same as that on Earth, because the Celsius scale is independent of the freezing and boiling points of water.
  2. The Celsius scale derived on that planet will not be the same as that on Earth, because the Celsius scale is dependent and derived by using the freezing and boiling points of water.
  3. The Celsius scale derived on the planet will be the same as that on Earth, because the Celsius scale is an absolute temperature scale based on molecular motion, which is independent of pressure.
  4. The Celsius scale derived on the planet will not be the same as that on Earth, but the Fahrenheit scale will be the same, because its reference temperatures are not based on the freezing and boiling points of water.

What is the difference between the freezing point and boiling point of water on the Reaumur scale?

  1. The boiling point of water is 80° on the Reaumur scale.
  2. Reaumur scale is less than 120°.
  3. 100°
  4. 80°

11.2 Heat, Specific Heat, and Heat Transfer


In the specific heat equation what does c stand for?

  1. Total heat
  2. Specific heat
  3. Specific temperature
  4. Specific mass

Specific heat may be measured in J/kg · K, J/kg · °C. What other units can it be measured in?

  1. kg/kcal · °C
  2. kcal · °C/kg
  3. kg · °C/kcal
  4. kcal/kg · °C
What is buoyancy?
  1. Buoyancy is a downward force exerted by a solid that opposes the weight of an object.
  2. Buoyancy is a downward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object.
  3. Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a solid that opposes the weight an object.
  4. Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object.

Give an example of convection found in nature.

  1. heat transfer through metallic rod
  2. heat transfer from the sun to Earth
  3. heat transfer through ocean currents
  4. heat emitted by a light bulb into its environment

Calculate the temperature change in a substance with specific heat 735 J/kg · °C when 14 kJ of heat is given to a 3.0-kg sample of that substance.

  1. 57 °C
  2. 63 °C
  3. 1.8×10-2 °C
  4. 6.3 °C
Aluminum has a specific heat of 900J/K·°C. How much energy would it take to change the temperature of 2 kg aluminum by 3 °C?
  1. 1.3 kJ
  2. 0.60 kJ
  3. 54 kJ
  4. 5.4 kJ

11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat


Upon what does the required amount of heat removed to freeze a sample of a substance depend?

  1. The mass of the substance and its latent heat of vaporization
  2. The mass of the substance and its latent heat of fusion
  3. The mass of the substance and its latent heat of sublimation
  4. The mass of the substance only
What do latent heats, L f and L v, depend on?
  1. L f and L v depend on the forces between the particles in the substance.
  2. L f and L v depend on the mass of the substance.
  3. L f and L v depend on the volume of the substance.
  4. L f and L v depend on the temperature of the substance.

How much energy is required to melt 7.00 kg a block of aluminum that is at its melting point? (Latent heat of fusion of aluminum is 380 kJ/kg.)

  1. 54.3 kJ
  2. 2.66 kJ
  3. 0.0184 kJ
  4. 2.66×103 kJ

A 3.00 kg sample of a substance is at its boiling point. If 5,360 kJ of energy are enough to boil away the entire substance, what is its latent heat of vaporization?

  1. 2,685 kJ/kg
  2. 3,580 kJ/kg
  3. 895 kJ/kg
  4. 1,790 kJ/kg

Extended Response


11.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy

What is the meaning of absolute zero?
  1. It is the temperature at which the internal energy of the system is maximum, because the speed of its constituent particles increases to maximum at this point.
  2. It is the temperature at which the internal energy of the system is maximum, because the speed of its constituent particles decreases to zero at this point.
  3. It is the temperature at which the internal energy of the system approaches zero, because the speed of its constituent particles increases to a maximum at this point.
  4. It is that temperature at which the internal energy of the system approaches zero, because the speed of its constituent particles decreases to zero at this point.
Why does it feel hotter on more humid days, even though there is no difference in temperature?
  1. On hot, dry days, the evaporation of the sweat from the skin cools the body, whereas on humid days the concentration of water in the atmosphere is lower, which reduces the evaporation rate from the skin’s surface.
  2. On hot, dry days, the evaporation of the sweat from the skin cools the body, whereas on humid days the concentration of water in the atmosphere is higher, which reduces the evaporation rate from the skin’s surface.
  3. On hot, dry days, the evaporation of the sweat from the skin cools the body, whereas on humid days the concentration of water in the atmosphere is lower, which increases the evaporation rate from the skin’s surface.
  4. On hot, dry days, the evaporation of the sweat from the skin cools the body, whereas on humid days the concentration of water in the atmosphere is higher, which increases the evaporation rate from the skin’s surface.

11.2 Heat, Specific Heat, and Heat Transfer

A hot piece of metal needs to be cooled. If you were to put the metal in ice or in cold water, such that the ice did not melt and the temperature of either changed by the same amount, which would reduce the metal’s temperature more? Why?
  1. Water would reduce the metal’s temperature more, because water has a greater specific heat than ice.
  2. Water would reduce the metal’s temperature more, because water has a smaller specific heat than ice.
  3. Ice would reduce the metal’s temperature more, because ice has a smaller specific heat than water.
  4. Ice would reduce the metal’s temperature more, because ice has a greater specific heat than water.
On a summer night, why does a black object seem colder than a white one?
  1. The black object radiates energy faster than the white one, and hence reaches a lower temperature in less time.
  2. The black object radiates energy slower than the white one, and hence reaches a lower temperature in less time.
  3. The black object absorbs energy faster than the white one, and hence reaches a lower temperature in less time.
  4. The black object absorbs energy slower than the white one, and hence reaches a lower temperature in less time.

Calculate the difference in heat required to raise the temperatures of 1.00 kg of gold and 1.00 kg of aluminum by 1.00 °C. (The specific heat of aluminum equals 900 J/kg · °C; the specific heat of gold equals 129 J/kg · °C.)

  1. 771 J
  2. 129 J
  3. 90 J
  4. 900 J

11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat


True or false—You have an ice cube floating in a glass of water with a thin thread resting across the cube. If you cover the ice cube and thread with a layer of salt, they will stick together, so that you are able to lift the ice-cube when you pick up the thread.

  1. True
  2. False

Suppose the energy required to freeze 0.250 kg of water were added to the same mass of water at an initial temperature of 1.0 °C. What would be the final temperature of the water?

  1. -69.8 °C
  2. 79.8 °C
  3. -78.8 °C
  4. 80.8 °C