Chapter Review

Chapter Review

Chapter Review

Concept Items


11.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy


A glass of water has a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius. What state of matter is it in?

  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas
  4. plasma
What is the difference between thermal energy and internal energy?
  1. The thermal energy of the system is the average kinetic energy of the system’s constituent particles due to their motion. The total internal energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic energies and the potential energies of its constituent particles.
  2. The thermal energy of the system is the average potential energy of the system’s constituent particles due to their motion. The total internal energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic energies and the potential energies of its constituent particles.
  3. The thermal energy of the system is the average kinetic energy of the system’s constituent particles due to their motion. The total internal energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic energies of its constituent particles.
  4. The thermal energy of the system is the average potential energy of the systems’ constituent particles due to their motion. The total internal energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic energies of its constituent particles.

What does the Celsius scale use as a reference point?

  1. The boiling point of mercury
  2. The boiling point of wax
  3. The freezing point of water
  4. The freezing point of wax

11.2 Heat, Specific Heat, and Heat Transfer

What are the SI units of specific heat?
  1. J/kg 2 C
  2. J kg 2 / C
  3. J kg / C
  4. J/kg C
What is radiation?
  1. The transfer of energy through emission and absorption of the electromagnetic waves is known as radiation.
  2. The transfer of energy without any direct physical contact between any two substances.
  3. The transfer of energy through direct physical contact between any two substances.
  4. The transfer of energy by means of the motion of fluids at different temperatures and with different densities.
The value of specific heat is the same whether the units are J/kg K or J/kg C . How?
  1. Temperature difference is dependent on the chosen temperature scale.
  2. Temperature change is different in units of kelvins and degrees Celsius.
  3. Reading of temperatures in kelvins and degree Celsius are the same.
  4. The temperature change is the same in units of kelvins and degrees Celsius.
If the thermal energy of a perfectly black object is increased by conduction, will the object remain black in appearance? Why or why not?
  1. No, the energy of the radiation increases as the temperature increases, and the radiation becomes visible at certain temperatures.
  2. Yes, the energy of the radiation decreases as the temperature increases, and the radiation remains invisible at those energies.
  3. No, the energy of the radiation decreases as the temperature increases, until the frequencies of the radiation are the same as those of visible light.
  4. Yes, as the temperature increases, and the energy is transferred from the object by other mechanisms besides radiation, so that the energy of the radiation does not increase.

What is the specific heat of a substance that requires 5.00 kJ of heat to raise the temperature of 3.00 kg by 5.00 °F?

  1. 3.33×103 J/kg ⋅° C
  2. 6.00×103 J/kg ⋅° C
  3. 3.33×102 J/kg ⋅ ° C
  4. 6.00×102 J/kg ⋅ ° C

A certain quantity of water is given 4.0 kJ of heat. This raises its temperature by 30.0 °F. What is the mass of the water in grams?

  1. 5.7 g
  2. 570 g
  3. 5700 g
  4. 57 g

5290 J of heat is given to 0.500 kg water at 15.00 °C. What will its final temperature be?

  1. 15.25° C
  2. 12.47 ° C
  3. 40.3° C
  4. 17.53° C

11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat

Why is there no change in temperature during a phase change, even if energy is absorbed by the system?
  1. The energy is used to break bonds between particles, and so does not increase the potential energy of the system’s particles.
  2. The energy is used to break bonds between particles, and so increases the potential energy of the system’s particles.
  3. The energy is used to break bonds between particles, and so does not increase the kinetic energy of the system’s particles.
  4. The energy is used to break bonds between particles, and so increases the kinetic energy of the system’s particles.

In which two phases of matter do atoms and molecules have the most distance between them?

  1. gas and solid
  2. gas and liquid
  3. gas and plasma
  4. liquid and plasma

Critical Thinking Items


11.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy

The temperature of two equal quantities of water needs to be raised - the first container by 5 degrees Celsius and the second by 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Which one would require more heat?
  1. The heat required by the first container is more than the second because each degree Celsius is equal to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. The heat required by the first container is less than the second because each degree Fahrenheit is equal to 1.8 degrees Celsius.
  3. The heat required by the first container is more than the second because each degree Celsius is equal to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. The heat required by the first container is less than the second because each degree Fahrenheit is equal to 3.6 degrees Celsius.

What is 100.00 °C in kelvins?

  1. 212.00 K
  2. 100.00 K
  3. 473.15 K
  4. 373.15 K

11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat


Assume 1.0 kg of ice at 0 °C starts to melt. It absorbs 300 kJ of energy by heat. What is the temperature of the water afterwards?

  1. 10 °C
  2. 20 °C
  3. 5 °C
  4. 0 °C



11.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy


What is 35.0 °F in kelvins?

  1. 1.67 K
  2. 35.0 K
  3. -271.5 K
  4. 274.8 K

Design a temperature scale where the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and its boiling point is 70 degrees. What would be the room temperature on this scale?

  1. If room temperature is 25.0 °C, the temperature on the new scale will be 17.5 °.
  2. If room temperature is 25.0 °C, the temperature on the new scale will be 25.0°.
  3. If the room temperature is 25.0 °C, the temperature on the new scale will be 35.7°.
  4. If the room temperature is 25.0 °C, the temperature on the new scale will be 50.0°.

11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat


How much energy would it take to heat 1.00 kg of ice at 0 °C to water at 15.0 °C?

  1. 271 kJ
  2. 334 kJ
  3. 62.8 kJ
  4. 397 kJ

Ice cubes are used to chill a soda with a mass msoda = 0.300 kg at 15.0 °C. The ice is at 0 °C, and the total mass of the ice cubes is 0.020 kg. Assume that the soda is kept in a foam container so that heat loss can be ignored, and that the soda has the same specific heat as water. Find the final temperature when all ice has melted.

  1. 19.02 °C
  2. 90.3 °C
  3. 0.11 °C
  4. 9.03 °C

Performance Task


11.3 Phase Change and Latent Heat


You have been tasked with designing a baking pan that will bake batter the fastest. There are four materials available for you to test.

  • Four pans of similar design, consisting of aluminum, iron (steel), copper, and glass
  • Oven or similar heating source
  • Device for measuring high temperatures
  • Balance for measuring mass


  1. Design a safe experiment to test the specific heat of each material (i.e., no extreme temperatures should be used)
  2. Write down the materials needed for your experiment and the procedure you will follow. Make sure that you include every detail, so that the experiment can be repeated by others.
  3. Carry out the experiment and record any data collected.
  4. Review your results and make a recommendation as to which metal should be used for the pan.
    1. What physical quantities do you need to measure to determine the specific heats for the different materials?
    2. How does the glass differ from the metals in terms of thermal properties?
    3. What are your sources of error?