Test Prep

Test Prep

Test Prep

Multiple Choice


13.1 Types of Waves


What kind of waves are sound waves?

  1. Mechanical waves
  2. Electromagnetic waves

What kind of a wave does a tuning fork create?

  1. Pulse wave
  2. Periodic wave
  3. Electromagnetic wave

What kind of waves are electromagnetic waves?

  1. Longitudinal waves
  2. Transverse waves
  3. Mechanical waves
  4. P-waves

With reference to waves, what is a disturbance?

  1. It refers to the resistance produced by some particles of a material.
  2. It refers to an oscillation produced by some energy that creates a wave.
  3. It refers to the wavelength of the wave.
  4. It refers to the speed of the wave.

13.2 Wave Properties: Speed, Amplitude, Frequency, and Period


Which of these is not a characteristic of a wave?

  1. amplitude
  2. period
  3. mass
  4. velocity

If you are in a boat at a resting position, how much will your height change when you are hit by the peak of a wave with a height of 2 m?

  1. 0 m
  2. 1 m
  3. 2 m
  4. 4 m

What is the period of a wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz?

  1. 0.5 s
  2. 1 s
  3. 2 s
  4. 3 s
What is the relation between the amplitude of a wave and its speed?
  1. The amplitude of a wave is independent of its speed.
  2. The amplitude of a wave is directly proportional to its speed.
  3. The amplitude of a wave is directly proportional to the square of the inverse of its speed.
  4. The amplitude of a wave is directly proportional to the inverse of its speed.
What does the speed of seismic waves depend on?
  1. The speed of seismic waves depends on the size of the medium.
  2. The speed of seismic waves depends on the shape of the medium.
  3. The speed of seismic waves depends on the rigidity of the medium.

13.3 Wave Interaction: Superposition and Interference


What is added together when two waves superimpose?

  1. amplitudes
  2. wavelengths
  3. velocities

Pure constructive interference occurs between two waves when they have the same _____.

  1. frequency and are in phase
  2. frequency and are out of phase
  3. amplitude and are in phase
  4. amplitude and are out of phase

What kind(s) of interference can occur between two identical waves moving in opposite directions?

  1. Constructive interference only
  2. Destructive interference only
  3. Both constructive and destructive interference
  4. Neither constructive nor destructive interference

What term refers to the bending of light at the junction of two media?

  1. interference
  2. diffraction
  3. scattering
  4. refraction

Which parameter of a wave gets affected after superposition?

  1. wavelength
  2. direction
  3. amplitude
  4. frequency

When do the amplitudes of two waves get added?

  1. When their amplitudes are the same
  2. When their amplitudes are different
  3. When they propagate in perpendicular directions
  4. When they are propagating along the same line in opposite directions

Short Answer


13.1 Types of Waves


Give an example of a non-mechanical wave.

  1. A radio wave is an example of a nonmechanical wave.
  2. A sound wave is an example of a nonmechanical wave.
  3. A surface wave is an example of a nonmechanical wave.
  4. A seismic wave is an example of a nonmechanical wave.
How is sound produced by an electronic speaker?
  1. The cone of a speaker vibrates to create small changes in the temperature of the air.
  2. The cone of a speaker vibrates to create small changes in the pressure of the air.
  3. The cone of a speaker vibrates to create small changes in the volume of the air.
  4. The cone of a speaker vibrates to create small changes in the resistance of the air.

What kind of wave is thunder?

  1. Transverse wave
  2. Pulse wave
  3. R-wave
  4. P-wave
Are all ocean waves perfectly sinusoidal?
  1. No, all ocean waves are not perfectly sinusoidal.
  2. Yes, all ocean waves are perfectly sinusoidal.
What are orbital progressive waves?
  1. Waves that force the particles of the medium to follow a linear path from the crest to the trough
  2. Waves that force the particles of the medium to follow a circular path from the crest to the trough
  3. Waves that force the particles of the medium to follow a zigzag path from the crest to the trough
  4. Waves that force the particles of the medium to follow a random path from the crest to the trough

Give an example of orbital progressive waves.

  1. light waves
  2. ocean waves
  3. sound waves
  4. seismic waves

13.2 Wave Properties: Speed, Amplitude, Frequency, and Period

What is the relation between the amplitude and height of a transverse wave?
  1. The height of a wave is half of its amplitude.
  2. The height of a wave is equal to its amplitude.
  3. The height of a wave is twice its amplitude.
  4. The height of a wave is four times its amplitude.

If the amplitude of a water wave is 0.2 m and its frequency is 2 Hz, how much distance would a bird sitting on the water’s surface move with every wave? How many times will it do this every second?

  1. The bird will go up and down a distance of 0.4 m. It will do this twice per second.
  2. The bird will go up and down a distance of 0.2 m. It will do this twice per second.
  3. The bird will go up and down a distance of 0.4 m. It will do this once per second.
  4. The bird will go up and down a distance of 0.2 m. It will do this once per second.
What is the relation between the amplitude and the frequency of a wave?
  1. The amplitude and the frequency of a wave are independent of each other.
  2. The amplitude and the frequency of a wave are equal.
  3. The amplitude decreases with an increase in the frequency of a wave.
  4. The amplitude increases with an increase in the frequency of a wave.
What is the relation between a wave’s energy and its amplitude?
  1. There is no relation between the energy and the amplitude of a wave.
  2. The magnitude of the energy is equal to the magnitude of the amplitude of a wave.
  3. The energy of a wave increases with an increase in the amplitude of the wave.
  4. The energy of a wave decreases with an increase in the amplitude of a wave.
A wave travels 2 m every 2 cycles. What is its wavelength?
  1. 4 m
  2. 2 m
  3. 0.5 m
  4. 1 m

A water wave propagates in a river at 6 m/s. If the river moves in the opposite direction at 3 m/s, what is the effective velocity of the wave?

  1. 3 m/s
  2. 6 m/s
  3. 9 m/s
  4. 18 m/s

13.3 Wave Interaction: Superposition and Interference

Is this statement true or false? Spherical waves can superimpose.
  1. True
  2. False
Is this statement true or false? Waves can superimpose if their frequencies are different.
  1. True
  2. False

When does pure destructive interference occur?

  1. When two waves with equal frequencies that are perfectly in phase and propagating along the same line superimpose.
  2. When two waves with unequal frequencies that are perfectly in phase and propagating along the same line superimpose.
  3. When two waves with unequal frequencies that are perfectly out of phase and propagating along the same line superimpose.
  4. When two waves with equal frequencies that are perfectly out of phase and propagating along the same line superimpose.

Is this statement true or false? The amplitude of one wave is affected by the amplitude of another wave only when they are precisely aligned.

  1. True
  2. False
Why does a standing wave form on a guitar string?
  1. due to superposition with the reflected waves from the ends of the string
  2. due to superposition with the reflected waves from the walls of the room
  3. due to superposition with waves generated from the body of the guitar

Is the following statement true or false? A standing wave is a superposition of two identical waves that are in phase and propagating in the same direction.

  1. True
  2. False
Why do water waves traveling from the deep end to the shallow end of a swimming pool experience refraction?
  1. Because the pressure of water at the two ends of the pool is same
  2. Because the pressures of water at the two ends of the pool are different
  3. Because the density of water at the two ends of the pool is same
  4. Because the density of water at the two ends of the pool is different

Is the statement true or false? Waves propagate faster in a less dense medium if the stiffness is the same.

  1. True
  2. False

Extended Response


13.1 Types of Waves

Why can light travel through outer space while sound cannot?
  1. Sound waves are mechanical waves and require a medium to propagate. Light waves can travel through a vacuum.
  2. Sound waves are electromagnetic waves and require a medium to propagate. Light waves can travel through a vacuum.
  3. Light waves are mechanical waves and do not require a medium to propagate; sound waves require a medium to propagate.
  4. Light waves are longitudinal waves and do not require a medium to propagate; sound waves require a medium to propagate.
Do periodic waves require a medium to travel through?
  1. No, the requirement of a medium for propagation does not depend on whether the waves are pulse waves or periodic waves.
  2. Yes, the requirement of a medium for propagation depends on whether the waves are pulse waves or periodic waves.
How is the propagation of sound in solids different from that in air?
  1. Sound waves in solids are transverse, whereas in air, they are longitudinal.
  2. Sound waves in solids are longitudinal, whereas in air, they are transverse.
  3. Sound waves in solids can be both longitudinal and transverse, whereas in air, they are longitudinal.
  4. Sound waves in solids are longitudinal, whereas in air, they can be both longitudinal and transverse.

13.2 Wave Properties: Speed, Amplitude, Frequency, and Period

A seagull is sitting in the water surface and a simple water wave passes under it. What sort of motion does the gull experience? Why?
  1. The gull experiences mostly side-to-side motion and moves with the wave in its direction.
  2. The gull experiences mostly side-to-side motion but does not move with the wave in its direction.
  3. The gull experiences mostly up-and-down motion and moves with the wave in its direction.
  4. The gull experiences mostly up-and-down motion but does not move in the direction of the wave.
Why does a good-quality speaker have a woofer and a tweeter?
  1. In a good-quality speaker, sounds with high frequencies or short wavelengths are reproduced accurately by woofers, while sounds with low frequencies or long wavelengths are reproduced accurately by tweeters.
  2. Sounds with high frequencies or short wavelengths are reproduced more accurately by tweeters, while sounds with low frequencies or long wavelengths are reproduced more accurately by woofers.

The time difference between a 2 km/s S-wave and a 6 km/s P-wave recorded at a certain point is 10 seconds. How far is the epicenter of the earthquake from that point?

  1. 15 m
  2. 30 m
  3. 15 km
  4. 30 km

13.3 Wave Interaction: Superposition and Interference

Why do water waves sometimes appear like a complex criss-cross pattern?
  1. The crests and the troughs of waves traveling in the same direction combine to form a criss-cross pattern.
  2. The crests and the troughs of waves traveling in different directions combine to form a criss-cross pattern.
What happens when two dissimilar waves interfere?
  1. pure constructive interference
  2. pure destructive interference
  3. a combination of constructive and destructive interference
Occasionally, during earthquakes, areas near the epicenter are not damaged while those farther away are damaged. Why could this occur?
  1. Destructive interference results in waves with greater amplitudes being formed in places farther away from the epicenter.
  2. Constructive interference results in waves with greater amplitudes being formed in places farther away from the epicenter.
  3. The standing waves of great amplitudes are formed in places farther away from the epicenter.
  4. The pulse waves of great amplitude are formed in places farther away from the epicenter.
Why does an object appear to be distorted when you view it through a glass of water?
  1. The glass and the water reflect the light in different directions. Hence, the object appears to be distorted.
  2. The glass and the water absorb the light by different amounts. Hence, the object appears to be distorted.
  3. Water, air, and glass are media with different densities. Light rays refract and bend when they pass from one medium to another. Hence, the object appears to be distorted.
  4. The glass and the water disperse the light into its components. Hence, the object appears to be distorted.