Selecting a Method to Solve Equations or Inequalities

Let's Get Started

Let's learn how to best select a method to solve equations or inequalities.

TEKS Standards and Student Expectations

A(3) Linear functions, equations, and inequalities. The student applies the mathematical process standards when using graphs of linear functions, key features, and related transformations to represent in multiple ways and solve, with and without technology, equations, inequalities, and systems of equations. The student is expected to:

A(3)(D) graph the solution set of linear inequalities in two variables on the coordinate plane

A(5) Linear functions, equations, and inequalities. The student applies the mathematical process standards to solve, with and without technology, linear equations and evaluate the reasonableness of their solutions. The student is expected to:

A(5)(A) solve linear equations in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary and for which variables are included on both sides

A(5)(B) solve linear inequalities in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary and for which variables are included on both sides

Resource Objective(s)

Given an equation or inequality, the student will select a method (algebraically, graphically, or calculator) to solve the equation or inequality.

Essential Questions

What methods can be used to solve an equation or inequality?

What factors should be considered when deciding upon a method to solve an equation or inequality?


How to Select a Method to Solve Equations and Inequalities

Although there are no specific formulas for choosing a method, there are certain factors to consider when deciding which to use. Click "Start" to learn some of these factors.

Given an Equation/Inequality and a Point, Determine if the Point is a Solution

There are many factors to consider when selecting a method to determine whether a point is a solution to an equation/inequality. This process chart is a guide to assist with the decision.


  • Read and answer the beginning question in the process chart by clicking "Yes" or "No."
  • Answer the next question by clicking "Yes" or "No."
  • Follow the guidelines until it is determined whether or not the point is a solution to the equation or inequality.

Given a Point and the Graph of a Linear Equation, Determine if the Point is a Solution

Now use the provided process chart to explore the process of determining if a point (ordered pair) is a solution to the graph of a linear equation. Remember there are many factors to consider when choosing a method. Use this process chart to help guide your thinking.

Click the "Start" button to review the process chart.

Jennifer’s Task

Vocabulary Activity

Journal Activity