Review Questions

Review Questions

Review Questions

How many and what type of daughter cells does meiosis produce?
  1. four haploid
  2. four diploid
  3. two haploid
  4. two diploid

What structure is most important in forming the tetrads?

  1. centromere
  2. chiasmata
  3. kinetochore
  4. synaptonemal complex
At which stage of meiosis are sister chromatids separated from each other?
  1. anaphase I
  2. anaphase II
  3. prophase I
  4. prophase II
At metaphase I, homologous chromosomes are connected only at what structures?
  1. chiasmata
  2. kinetochores
  3. microtubules
  4. recombination nodules

What phase(s) of mitotic interphase is missing from meiotic interkinesis?

  1. G0 phase
  2. G1 phase
  3. G2 phase
  4. S phase
What part of meiosis is most similar to mitosis?
  1. reduction division
  2. interkinesis
  3. meiosis I
  4. meiosis II

Which of the following is not true during crossing over?

  1. Chiasmata are formed.
  2. Nonsister chromatids exchange genetic material.
  3. Recombination nodules mediate cross over events.
  4. Spindle microtubules guide the movement of chromosomal material.
During which phase does the second round of genetic variation occur during meiosis?
  1. anaphase I
  2. metaphase I
  3. prophase II
  4. Genetic variation only occurs during prophase I.
Which type of life cycle has both a haploid and a diploid multicellular stage?
  1. alternation of generations
  2. asexual
  3. diploid-dominant
  4. haploid-dominant
What is a source of variation in asexual reproduction?
  1. crossing over of chromosomes
  2. mutation of DNA
  3. random assortment of chromosomes
  4. There is no variation in asexual reproduction.
What is a likely evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
  1. Sexual reproduction involves fewer steps.
  2. Sexual reproduction results in variation in the offspring.
  3. Sexual reproduction is more metabolically efficient.
  4. Sexual reproduction uses up fewer resources in a given environment.
What is a disadvantage of sexual reproduction over asexual forms of reproduction?
  1. Half the population is capable of carrying offspring.
  2. Identical offspring are not produced.
  3. Adaptation to rapidly changing environments is more difficult.
  4. Mutation rates are slower.
Fungi typically display which type of life cycle?
  1. alternation of generations
  2. asexual
  3. diploid-dominant
  4. haploid-dominant
What is a haploid cell produced in a diploid-dominant organism by meiosis called?
  1. gamete
  2. gametophyte
  3. spore
  4. sporophyte