Organisms and Environments - Environmental Change

Variation of Organisms and Adaptations

Look at this image. What similarities and differences in appearance do you notice? In every population there is variation of traits. In other words, not all the organisms in a population are exactly the same.


Source: Butterfly Collage, Science Daily



Just as with the butterfly population pictured above, in every population there is variation of traits. In other words, not all the organisms in a population are exactly the same. These differences in traits are caused by genetic mutations. An Adaptation is a trait which helps an organism or species survive. Adaptations can be structural or behavioral. Camouflage is an adaptation you are probably very familiar with. Watch this video and see some amazing examples of camouflage.

Video segment. Assistance may be required.

Charles Darwin and Finches

Natural Selection in Action

Effects of Environmental Changes on Organisms and Populations