Critical Thinking Questions

Critical Thinking Questions

You discover an unusual new organism in the deep sea and are studying its skeletal system in a laboratory aquarium. The organism appears to have a central, fluid-filled cavity. The fluid within the cavity is incompressible and allows the organism to move by peristalsis.

What kind of skeletal system does this organism most likely have?
  1. Exoskeleton
  2. Hydrostatic skeleton or exoskeleton
  3. Hydrostatic skeleton
  4. Endoskeleton

A world-class pianist gets into a serious car accident. Injuries to which groups of bones would most significantly interfere with her career as a pianist?

  1. Injuries to carpals, humerus, radius, ulna, clavicle, metacarpals, metatarsals, tarsals, and various flat bones like scapulae would cause issues.
  2. Injuries to carpals, humerus, radius, ulna, clavicle, metacarpals, phalanges, and various flat bones like scapulae would cause issues.
  3. Injuries to carpals, humerus, radius, ulna, clavicle, metacarpals, femur, tibia, and various flat bones like scapulae would cause issues.
  4. Injuries to carpals, humerus, femur, tibia, metatarsals, tarsals, phalanges, and various flat bones like scapulae would cause issues.

What types of issues related to bone development and repair would you expect associated with someone suffering from osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic disorder most commonly resulting from defects in collagen production and processing?

  1. Bones that are misshapen due to excessive levels of calcification
  2. Abnormally weak bones prone to breakage and fracturing upon mild trauma
  3. Very long bones that confer above-average height but are unusually flexible
  4. Bones that do not have adequate innervation or vascularization

Why are shoulder dislocations more common than dislocations of the carpal bones in the hand?

  1. The less mobile a joint, the weaker the joint. The shoulder joint allows the greatest range of motion, while carpal bones are more stable.
  2. The less mobile a joint, the weaker the joint. Carpal bones allow the greatest range of motion, while shoulder joints are more stable.
  3. The more mobile a joint, the weaker the joint. Carpal bones allow the greatest range of motion, while shoulder joints are more stable.
  4. The more mobile a joint, the weaker the joint. The shoulder joint allows the greatest range of motion, while carpal bones are more stable.
Osteoporosis is a clinical manifestation of an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation, resulting in weakened bones that easily fracture. How may one design a therapeutic drug targeting specific bone cell type(s) for the treatment of osteoporosis?
  1. A therapeutic drug that inhibits osteoblast activity would be useful. A drug that enhances the bone formation activity of osteoclasts may also be a good strategy.
  2. A therapeutic drug that inhibits osteoclast activity would be useful. One that reduces the activity of osteoblasts may also be a good strategy.
  3. A therapeutic drug that inhibits osteoblast activity would be useful. One that enhances the bone formation activity of osteoblasts may also be a good strategy.
  4. A therapeutic drug that inhibits osteoclast activity would be useful. One that enhances the bone formation activity of osteoblasts may also be a good strategy.

What is the main structural difference between synovial joints and cartilaginous and fibrous joints?

  1. Synovial joints allow movement, while fibrous and cartilaginous joints do not move at all.
  2. Synovial joints do not move at all, while fibrous and cartilaginous joints allow movement.
  3. Synovial joints do not have a space between the adjoining bones, while fibrous and cartilaginous joints have a joint cavity.
  4. Synovial joints have a space between the adjoining bones, while fibrous and cartilaginous joints do not have a joint cavity.
What angular movements occur at the hip joint and knees as you bend down to touch your toes?
  1. Both the hip joint and knees are flexed.
  2. Both the hip joint and knees are extended.
  3. The hip joint is extended and the knees are flexed.
  4. The hip joint is flexed and the knees are extended.

How would muscle contractions be affected if ATP was completely depleted in a muscle fiber?

  1. Myosin heads will detach rapidly from the actin-binding sites, resulting in muscle relaxation. In a live person this causes rigor mortis, while in a recently dead person, it results in writer’s cramp.
  2. Myosin heads will not detach from the actin-binding sites, resulting in muscle stiffness. In a live person this causes rigor mortis, while in a recently dead person, it results in writer’s cramp.
  3. Myosin heads will detach rapidly from the actin-binding sites, resulting in muscle relaxation. In a live person this causes writer’s cramp, while in a recently dead person, it results in rigor mortis.
  4. Myosin heads will not detach from the actin-binding sites, resulting in muscle stiffness. In a live person this causes writer’s cramp, while in a recently dead person, it results in rigor mortis.
What do all types of muscle tissue have in common?
  1. They all contain actin and myosin.
  2. They are all under voluntary control.
  3. They are all involuntary.
  4. They all require calcium binding to tropomyosin to contract.39.
What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles? Give an example of each.
  1. Voluntary muscles cannot be consciously controlled, such as cardiac muscles. Involuntary muscles can be controlled by an individual’s will, such as skeletal muscles.
  2. Voluntary muscles can be controlled by an individual’s will, such as cardiac muscles. Involuntary muscles cannot be consciously controlled, such as skeletal muscles.
  3. Voluntary muscles cannot be consciously controlled, such as the movement of legs while walking. Involuntary muscles can be controlled by an individual’s will, such as muscles in the digestive system.
  4. Voluntary muscles can be controlled by an individual’s will, such as skeletal muscles. Involuntary muscles cannot be consciously controlled, such as cardiac muscles.