Chapter Review

Chapter Review

Chapter Review

Concept Items


19.1 Ohm's Law

You connect a resistor across a battery. In which direction do the electrons flow?
  1. The electrons flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the battery.
  2. The electrons flow from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the battery.
How does current depend on resistance in Ohm’s law?
  1. Current is directly proportional to the resistance.
  2. Current is inversely proportional to the resistance.
  3. Current is proportional to the square of the resistance.
  4. Current is inversely proportional to the square of the resistance.
In the context of electricity, what is resistance?
  1. Resistance is the property of materials to resist the passage of voltage.
  2. Resistance is the property of materials to resist the passage of electric current.
  3. Resistance is the property of materials to increase the passage of voltage.
  4. Resistance is the property of materials to increase the passage of electric current.
What is the mathematical formula for Ohm’s law?
  1. V = I 2 R
  2. V = R I
  3. V = I R
  4. V = I R

An accelerator accelerates He nuclei (change = 2e) to a speed of v = 2 × 106 m/s. What is the current if the linear density of He nuclei is λ = 108 m–1?

  1. I = 9.6 × 10–5 A
  2. I = 3.2 × 10–5 A
  3. I = 12.8 × 10–5 A
  4. I = 6.4 × 10–5 A
How can you verify whether a certain material is ohmic?
  1. Make a resistor from this material and measure the current going through this resistor for several different voltages. If the current is proportional to the voltage, then the material is ohmic.
  2. Make a resistor from this material and measure the current going through this resistor for several different voltages. If the current is inversely proportional to the voltage, then the material is ohmic.
  3. Make a resistor from this material and measure the current going through this resistor for several different voltages. If the current is proportional to the square of the voltage, then the material is ohmic.
  4. Make a resistor from this material and measure the current going through this resistor for several different voltages. If the current is inversely proportional to the square of the voltage, then the material is ohmic.

What voltage is needed to make 6 C of charge traverse a 100-Ω resistor in 1 min?

  1. The required voltage is 1 × 10−3 V.
  2. The required voltage is 10 V.
  3. The required voltage is 1,000 V.
  4. The required voltage is 10,000 V.

Resistors typically obey Ohm’s law at low currents, but show deviations at higher currents because of heating. Suppose you were to conduct an experiment measuring the voltage, V, across a resistor as a function of current, I, including currents whose deviations from Ohm’s law start to become apparent. For a data plot of V versus I, which of the following functions would be best to fit the data? Assume that a, b, and c are nonzero constants adjusted to fit the data.

  1. V=aI V=aI
  2. V=aI+b V=aI+b
  3. V=aI+b I 2 V=aI+b I 2
  4. V=aI+b I 2 +c V=aI+b I 2 +c
A battery of unknown voltage V 1 is attached across a resistor R 1 . You add a second battery with V 2 = 9.0 V in series with V 1 so that the voltage across R 1 is now V 1 + V 2 and measure 0.3 A of current through resistor R 1 . You add a third battery with V 3 = 9.0 V in series with the first two batteries so that the voltage across R 3 is V 1 + V 2 + V 3 and measure 0.4 A of current through R 1 . What is the resistance of R 1 ?
  1. 23.25 Ω
  2. 21.75 Ω
  3. 31.33 Ω
  4. 13.0 Ω

19.2 Series Circuits


In which circuit are all the resistors connected in series?

  1. Circuit has three vertical resistors connected in a line.
  2. Circuit has two vertical resistors connected in line and a third resistor connected across the line between the two resistors.
  3. Circuit has one resistor connected to a pair of two horizontal resistors, which are connected on both ends.
  4. Circuit has three resistors in a horizontal line, and all are connected on both ends.
11. What is the voltage and current through the capacitor in the circuit below a long time after the switch is closed?
The figure shows a circuit with an open switch with one end connected to a capacitor. The other end of the capacitor is connected to the negative terminal of a 10-volt voltage source. The positive terminal of the voltage source is connected to the other end of the open switch. The connection between the capacitor and voltage source is also connected to the ground.
Figure 19.26
  1. 0 V, 0 A
  2. 0 V, 10 A
  3. 10 V, 0 A
  4. 10 V, 10 A

19.3 Parallel Circuits

If you remove resistance from a circuit, does the total resistance of the circuit always decrease? Explain.
  1. No, because for parallel combination of resistors, the resistance through the remaining circuit increases.
  2. Yes, because for parallel combination of resistors, the resistance through the remaining circuit increases.
Explain why the equivalent resistance of a parallel combination of resistors is always less than the smallest of the parallel resistors.
  1. Adding resistors in parallel gives the current a shorter path through which it can flow hence decreases the overall resistance.
  2. Adding resistors in parallel gives the current another path through which it can flow hence decreases the overall resistance.
  3. Adding resistors in parallel reduce the number of paths through which the current can flow hence decreases the overall resistance.
  4. Adding resistors in parallel gives the current longer path through which it can flow hence decreases the overall resistance.

19.4 Electric Power


To draw the most power from a battery, should you connect a small or a large resistance across its terminals? Explain.

  1. Small resistance, because smaller resistance will lead to the largest power
  2. Large resistance, because smaller resistance will lead to the largest power

If you double the current through a resistor, by what factor does the power dissipated by the resistor change?

  1. Power increases by a factor of two.
  2. Power increases by a factor of four.
  3. Power increases by a factor of eight.
  4. Power increases by a factor of 16.

Critical Thinking Items


19.2 Series Circuits


Given three batteries (5V, 9V, 12V) and five resistors (10, 20, 30, 40, 50Ω) to choose from, what can you choose to form a circuit diagram with a current of 0.175A? You do not need to use all of the components.

  1. Batteries (5V, 9V) and resistors (30Ω, 50Ω) connected in series
  2. Batteries (5V4, 12V) and resistors (10Ω, 20Ω, 40Ω, and 50Ω) connected in series.
  3. Batteries (5V, 9V, and 12V) and resistors (10Ω, 20Ω, and 30Ω) connected in series.
What is the maximum resistance possible given a resistor of 100 and a resistor of 40 Ω ?
  1. 100 Ω
  2. 140 Ω
  3. 180 Ω
  4. 240 Ω
18. Rank the points A, B, C, and D in the circuit diagram from lowest voltage to highest voltage.

The figure shows a circuit with four points labeled A, B, D, and C in clockwise direction. Between points A and B is a voltage of 5 volts with the negative terminal connected to point A. Between points B and D is a resistor of 500 ohms. Between points D and C is a voltage of 24 volts with negative terminal connected to point D and ground. Finally, between points C and A is a resistor of 300 ohms

  1. A, B, C, D
  2. B, C, A, D
  3. C, B, A, D
  4. D, A, B, C

19.3 Parallel Circuits

Can all resistor combinations be reduced to series and parallel combinations?
  1. No, all practical resistor circuits cannot be reduced to series and parallel combinations.
  2. Yes, all practical resistor circuits can be reduced to series and parallel combinations.

What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown below?

The figure shows a horizontal circuit with three resistors. Two horizontal resistors are connected on both ends and labeled 75 ohms and 100 ohms. A third resistor is connected diagonally across the two resistors and labeled 20 ohms.
Figure 19.27
  1. The equivalent resistance of the circuit 14 Ω.
  2. The equivalent resistance of the circuit 16.7 Ω.
  3. The equivalent resistance of the circuit 140 Ω.
  4. The equivalent resistance of the circuit 195 Ω.

19.4 Electric Power


Two lamps have different resistances. (a) If the lamps are connected in parallel, which one is brighter, the lamp with greater resistance or the lamp with less resistance? (b) If the lamps are connected in series, which one is brighter? Note that the brighter lamp dissipates more power.

  1. (a) lamp with greater resistance; (b) lamp with less resistance
  2. (a) lamp with greater resistance; (b) lamp with greater resistance
  3. (a) lamp with less resistance; (b) lamp with less resistance
  4. (a) lamp with less resistance; (b) lamp with greater resistance

To measure the power consumed by your laptop computer, you place an ammeter (a device that measures electric current) in series with its DC power supply. When the screen is off, the computer draws 0.40 A of current.

When the screen is on at full brightness, it draws 0.90 A of current. Knowing the DC power supply delivers 16 V , how much power is used by the screen?

  1. The power used by the screen is −8.0 W.
  2. The power used by the screen is 0.3 W.
  3. The power used by the screen is 3.2 W.
  4. The power used by the screen is 8.0 W.



19.2 Series Circuits


What is the voltage drop across two 80-Ω resistors connected in series with 0.15 A flowing through them?

  1. 12 V
  2. 24 V
  3. 36 V
  4. 48 V
24. In this circuit, the voltage drop across the upper resistor is 4.5 V. What is the battery voltage?

The figure shows a rectangular circuit with a battery and two resistors connected in series. The battery is located on the left-hand segment of the circuit, a 30-ohm resistor is located on the upper segment, and a 50-ohm resistor is located on the right-hand segment of the circuit.

  1. 4.5 V
  2. 7.5 V
  3. 12 V
  4. 18 V

19.3 Parallel Circuits

25. What is the equivalent resistance of this circuit?
The figure shows a circuit with three resistors. The first resistor is horizontal and labeled 150 ohms. The left end of the first resistor is connected to a second resistor of 250 ohms. The other end of the second resistor is connected to a third resistor of 50 ohms, which in turn is connected to the right end of the first resistor.
Figure 19.28
  1. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is 32.7 Ω.
  2. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is 100 Ω.
  3. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is 327 Ω.
  4. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is 450 Ω.
26. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown?
Figure 19.29
  1. The equivalent resistance is 25 Ω.
  2. The equivalent resistance is 50 Ω.
  3. The equivalent resistance is 75 Ω.
  4. The equivalent resistance is 100 Ω.

19.4 Electric Power


When 12 V are applied across a resistor, it dissipates 120 W of power. What is the current through the resistor?

  1. The current is 1,440 A.
  2. The current is 10 A.
  3. The current is 0.1 A.
  4. The current is 0.01 A.

Warming 1 g of water requires 1 J of energy per . How long would it take to warm 1 L of water from 20 to 40 °C if you immerse in the water a 1-kW resistor connected across a 9.0-V batteries aligned in series?

  1. 10 min
  2. 20 min
  3. 30 min
  4. 40 min

Performance Task


19.4 Electric Power

  1. An incandescent light bulb (i.e., and old-fashioned light bulb with a little wire in it)
  2. A lightbulb socket to hold the light bulb
  3. A variable voltage source
  4. An ammeter
  • Screw the lightbulb into its socket. Connect the positive terminal of the voltage source to the input of the ammeter. Connect the output of the ammeter to one connection of the socket. Connect the other connection of the socket to the negative terminal of the voltage source. Ensure that the voltage source is set to supply DC voltage and that the ammeter is set to measure DC amperes. The desired circuit is shown below.
    A voltage source shows a reading of 6.8 volts. Its position terminal is connected to an ammeter. The other end of the ammeter is connected to a light bulb, which in turn is connected to the negative terminal of the voltage source.
  • On a piece of paper, make a two-column table with 10 rows. Label the left column volts and the right column current. Adjust the voltage source so that it supplies from between 1 and 10 volts DC. For each voltage, write the voltage in the volts column and the corresponding amperage measured by the ammeter in the current column. Make a plot of volts versus current, that is, a plot with volts on the vertical axis and current on the horizontal axis. Use this data and the plot to answer the following questions:
  1. What is the resistance of the lightbulb?
  2. What is the range of possible error in your result for the resistance?
  3. In a single word, how would you describe the curve formed by the data points?