TEKS Talk - SLA Response image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.

Después de la lectura de un texto, pídales a los estudiantes que dibujen un evento del texto. Por ejemplo, después de leer un texto informativo acerca de la diferencia entre los cardenales machos y hembras, el estudiante podría dibujar un cardenal hembra y uno macho basándose en las descripciones que leyó. Además del dibujo, usted podría incrementar el rigor de esta actividad y pedirles a los estudiantes que escriban acerca de las diferencias entre los cardenales macho y hembra.

Further Explanation

Esta evaluación requiere que los estudiantes lean y entiendan detalles que se presentan en un texto y que luego muestren comprensión de esos detalles mediante la creación de un dibujo o la realización de un escrito.

interact with a text by adding notes or comments in the margins of the text in order to record significant features and/or personal commentary or reactions that may enhance one’s understanding of the text while reading
a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic that is similar to brainstorming but written in sentence and paragraph form and produces raw, often unusable material yet has the potential to increase the flow of ideas for writers
furnishing with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, clarification, or adornment
When students interact with different sources of information, for example, a video or a book, they use strategies that are significant to their learning. For example, if students are reading an informational text on the life cycle of a butterfly, they may choose to make diagrams, take notes, or illustrate the changes in the different stages of the cycle. When these activities are purposefully used, they can contribute to build or expand student knowledge.
the study skill of outlining and/or summarizing the important ideas of a lecture, book, or other source of information to aid in the organization and retention of ideas
any communication medium, such as a book, a person, or an electronic device, that supplies information
Resultado de interactuar con un texto para que el lector sea capaz de comprenderlo mejor, recordar su contenido o responder a él. Generalmente incluye resaltar o subrayar partes centrales de un texto o hacer notas al margen de éste.


1. Evans, B. P., & Shively, C. T. (2019). Using the Cornell Note-taking System can help eighth grade students alleviate the impact of interruptions while reading at home. Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education, 10(1). doi:10.1598/RT.58.5.1

Summary: As part of the study, students are taught the Cornell note-taking system. Students are required to write questions about the main ideas of the notes and answer those questions, along with writing a summary. This study shows that middle school students will be able to make the adjustment from note-taking instruction on paper to computer. Additionally, middle school students can handle using a traditional high school and college aged note-taking strategy like the Cornell system. The  study found that the Cornell system can be used to alleviate the impact interruptions have on students’ working memories and comprehension.

2 . Dallacqua, A.L. (2012). Exploring literary devices in graphic novels. Language Arts, 89(6), 365–378. Retrieved from http://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/LA/0896-jul2012/LA0896Exploring.pdf

Summary:  This study examine how students engage in reading self-selected literature that uses visuals/graphics. The process includes intra mental reading. The study reveals that when students openly discuss the literature mental cognition increases, and students are able to make meaning from the text. The findings also reveal that students question the text, draw multiple interpretations of the meanings, and are able to create hypothetical scenarios. 

3.  Accardi, M., Chesbro, R., & Donovan, K. (2018). Outlining informational text: A learning transfer tool. Science Scope, 42(3), 34+. Retrieved from  https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A556734510/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=c17eb615

Summary: This article features an instructional sequence that takes students through the notetaking process. The purpose of the process is to move students away from simple bulleted lists toward notes that demonstrate, through the organization of details and key ideas, that students have synthesized and evaluated what they've read. Through a more sophisticated notetaking process, students can better understand and engage with content text.