sla composition teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.

Pídales a los estudiantes que desarrollen un plan y elaboren un texto informativo sobre un tópico que recientemente hayan estudiado en la clase de ciencias. Recuérdeles seguir el proceso de escritura estudiado y reflejar las características del género y el arte del escritor en su texto.

Evalúe el trabajo de los estudiantes a partir de estas características:

  • Idea central
  • Patrón de organización claro
  • Buen desarrollo de ideas
  • Comillas en títulos
  • Uso de vocabulario apropiado para el grado escolar, así como uso de oraciones variadas y bien construidas

Further Explanation

Este ejemplo de evaluación requiere que los estudiantes compartan información que han recopilado acerca de un tópico en particular. Los estudiantes deben analizar la información que tienen para saber cuál es más apropiada para compartir con su audiencia; a partir de ello, desarrollan un plan y organizan su escrito. Los estudiantes deben reconocer que el proceso de escritura implica varias etapas, incluyendo la elaboración de borradores hasta la obtención del texto final. Los estudiantes deberán concluir con un texto lógico, coherente y efectivo para el grado escolar en el que están.

the main point or message of a text that is supported by the author’s purpose and content; also known as a controlling idea
Students are expected to compose effective informational texts. Students understand that informational texts explain and clarify a topic. Student informational writing should have a clear central idea with supporting details, an introduction and a conclusion, and an evident organizational pattern. Additionally, students are expected to demonstrate good command of writing conventions, use correct spelling, and write in complete sentences.
a piece of written work that brings together ideas in a coherent manner
a text that presents information to explain, clarify, and/or educate
a word or phrase that identifies the subject matter of a text or speech
Texto que reúne ideas y las ordena de una manera coherente.
Enfoque principal de un escrito que unifica todos sus componentes.
Escrito que presenta información, incluyendo textos expositivos y de procedimiento.
Asunto de que trata un texto.


1. Klein, P.D., & Rose, M.A. (2010). Teaching argument and explanation to prepare junior students for writing to learn. Reading Research Quarterly, 45(4), 433–461. doi:10.1598/RRQ.45.4.4

Summary: In this study, Klein and Rose examine how students respond to various writing tasks and assignments. The teachers used the process writing approach, which included creating an outline, drafts, and a final paper. The revision and edit process lends itself to implementing teacher and peer oral and written feedback. The study reveals that there are specific as well as varied means to teach the writing process to students. Students must use prior knowledge and have access to relevant external sources (i.e. internet).

2. White. A. (2016). Using digital think-alouds to build comprehension of online informational texts. The Reading Teacher, 69(4), 421–425. doi:10.1002/trtr.1438

Summary: White discusses the ongoing consumption and creation of information online and in other digital spaces. White suggests that the ever-changing contexts presents significant complexities for students. Students are required to develop skills, strategies and attitudes that promote and support ways to critically navigate and discuss information accessed online.

3. Scott, J. L. (2012, April). Teaching students to analyze informational text. University of MO-Columbia. Retrieved from

Summary: Scott provides an overview of the five styles of informational text and characteristics of each. Multiple strategies are embedded in the article that teachers may find useful in teaching students how to analyze informational text. The process outlined in the article is sequential. Charts and visuals are provided.  Although this article provides a strategy to analyze informational text, the skills gain can also support composing an informational text.