SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

Proporcione al grupo un texto informativo que presente ideas similares respecto a un tema, como el patrón migratorio de algunos animales. Pida a los estudiantes que tomen turnos para leer el texto en voz alta. Posteriormente, proyecte el texto en una pantalla y muestre a los estudiantes cómo identificar el patrón organizacional que utilizó el autor del texto. Por ejemplo, puede utilizar un marcador de un color para resaltar las similitudes entre la migración de las golondrinas y los murciélagos y un marcador de otro color para marcar sus diferencias. Una vez finalizada esta actividad, pregunte a los estudiantes por qué piensan que el autor se enfocó en diferentes grupos de animales y cómo esto influye en su aprendizaje sobre las migraciones de animales. Algunas respuestas podrían ser: “no todos los animales migran por las mismas razones” o “todos los animales migratorios siguen ciclos específicos”. Observe la participación y la precisión de las respuestas proveyendo aclaraciones o extendiendo el concepto de comparar-contrastar según sea oportuno.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes requieren aplicar su conocimiento de los patrones organizacionales para saber la manera en que el autor organiza el texto informativo. Reconocen que en el patrón organizacional de comparar y contrastar se pueden describir las diferencias y similitudes de un tópico dado.

a text that presents information to explain, clarify, and/or educate
a text that presents information to explain, clarify, and/or educate
Informational text is often presented according to common organizational patterns, or structures an author uses to organize ideas for an audience. For example, the author of an informational article related to science might organize the text in a compare/contrast structure to help the reader understand the similarities and differences between the various geographic regions in Texas. Identifying the organizational pattern(s) in informational text helps students make sense of what they read.
In reading, students are expected to have a clear idea of the particular attributes of informational texts. Students should know that informational text has unique characteristics, such as a central idea, and often includes graphic features, such as tables and diagrams. Students should also recognize the way an informational text is structured or organized. For example, an author may choose to organize an article using a compare-and-contrast approach to draw attention to the pros and cons of a particular topic or a chronological structure when explaining the timeline of a developing issue.
Escrito que presenta información, incluyendo textos expositivos y de procedimiento.


1. Macarthur, C. A. (2010). Instruction in a strategy for compare--contrast writing. Exceptional Children, 76(4), 438+. Retrieved from

Summary: This study focused on the use of compare and contrast as a way to improve the writing skills of six struggling student writers, ages 11–14. Students used the writing strategy as an organizational method and made gains in self-efficacy, text structure elements, and overall quality.

2. Dreher, M. J., & Gray, J. L. (2009). Compare, contrast, comprehend: using compare-contrast text structures with ELLs in K–3 classrooms: understanding text structures can benefit young learners, especially English-language learners. The Reading Teacher, 63(2), 132+. Retrieved from

Summary: Beginning with an analysis of their students' inability to compare and contrast spiders with bugs after reading about them, the authors identify areas of concern, and then discuss how to address those in the classroom. The article is especially focused upon how to teach EL students compare and contrast in the primary grades, using is to support comprehension, extend background knowledge, and expand vocabulary. Practical strategies can be employed across multiple grade levels.