Knowledge and Skills Statement
Después de leer en voz alta, pídales a los estudiantes que escojan a un personaje con el que se sienten identificados y que escriban acerca de en qué se relacionan con el personaje.
Inicio de oraciones para los estudiantes:
- Me relaciono porque…
- Esta historia me recuerda… ya que…
- Comparto los sentimientos de…
- Esta historia es similar a…
- Al usar textos seleccionados por el maestro, asegúrese de que éstos corresponden con el nivel del grado escolar y que son relevantes para la vida de los estudiantes.
- Durante discusiones en clase, active el conocimiento previo para facilitar la elaboración de conexiones.
- Haga preguntas que sirvan de guía o inicios de oraciones para ayudar a pensar a los estudiantes que necesitan apoyo adicional.
Further Explanation
Esta evaluación requiere que los estudiantes demuestren si son capaces de identificarse con algún personaje de una historia. Esto puede compartirse de forma oral o escrita.
1. Carrison, C., & Ernst-Slavis, G. (2005). From silence to a whisper to active participation: Using literature circles with ELL students. Reading Horizons, 46(2). Retrieved from
Summary: The article promotes the use of literature circles to support literacy, especially for English learners. Literature circles allow student to interact through sharing ideas, opinions, and personal responses to literature. Students become active participants and learn to manage their literature circle activities, negotiating the structure of their timelines. The study participants were a fourth-grade class in which 5 of the 24 students had varying levels of language acquisition. The use of literature circles led to decreased anxiety about reading and participation and increased reading accuracy and comprehension.
2. Zuckerbrod, N. (2019). The power of stories: Develop social-emotional skills and empathy using fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Scholastic Teacher, 128(3), 45+. Retrieved from
Summary: The author shows the impact that fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have on students in grades 3 through 6, especially when teachers choose texts that resonate with students. Teacher recommendations are provided, along with stories of how teachers help students make the connection from texts to personal experience and to the experiences of others.