TEKS Talk - SLA Vocabulary image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively.

Proporcione al estudiante de sustantivos homógrafos, es decir, palabras que se escriben de la misma manera, pero que significan dos o más cosas distintas. Los estudiantes escriben las palabras, y buscan sus significados en un diccionario y los anotan. Posteriormente escriben una oración con cada uno de los significados. Observe y revise sus oraciones.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes usan las palabras homógrafas/homófonas que tienen distintos significados para enriquecer su vocabulario.

Students are expected to distinguish and correctly use commonly confused terms such as por qué, porqué, por que, porque, sino/ si no, and también/ tan bien whose subtle differences in spelling and pronunciation make them difficult to identify without context. For example, ¿Por qué no viniste ayer a la escuela? Porque estaba enfermo.
Students should be able to understand the differences between closely related words, like homographs, homophones, and commonly confused terms. By distinguishing their peculiarities, students have a better understanding of the meaning of such words and how they affect the ideas in a text.
Students should use their knowledge of homographs to distinguish between words that are spelled the same but have different meaning. Students should be able to accurately use homographs to make sure they’re expressing the idea they are trying to convey. For example, they should know the difference between bota (boot) and bota (bounces) to avoid confusion in sentences like, La pelota bota junto a la bota.
Students use their knowledge of homophones to distinguish between words that sound the same but have different meaning. Students should be able to use homophones to make sure they’re expressing the idea they are trying to convey. For example, they should know the difference between hierba (plant) and hierva (boil) to avoid confusion in sentences like, La abuela dijo que pusiéramos la hierba dentro de la olla hasta que el agua hierva.
Second grade students should begin to show a thorough knowledge of how homographs, homophones, and commonly confused terms carry specific meanings despite their similar spelling and/ or pronunciation. Students should be able to incorporate these terms into their own written and oral communications. They should be able to provide adequate context to support the recipient of the message in determining the intended use of a homograph, a homophone, or a commonly confused term.
Palabra que se pronuncia igual a otra, pero no se escribe igual, y que tiene un significado diferente (por ej., tubo – cilindro largo y hueco para contener líquidos y tuvo – pasado del verbo tener).
Palabra que se escribe y se pronuncia igual que otra, pero tiene diferente significado, (por ej., vino - la bebida y vino pretérito del verbo venir, saco presente del verbo sacar y saco la prenda de ropa).