SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

Pídales a los estudiantes que identifiquen los patrones organizacionales que son usados en un texto informativo conforme participan en la lectura del texto, ya sea en sesión con toda la clase o en pequeños grupos. Puede estimular los pensamientos de los estudiantes haciéndoles preguntas.


  • ¿Qué patrón organizacional usó el autor en este artículo?
  • ¿Por qué creen que usó ese patrón organizacional?
  • ¿Creen que este libro usa el orden cronológico o la descripción?
Informational texts are texts that present information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate. In first grade, this could include procedural texts, magazines, newspapers, menus, nonfiction books, pamphlets, and textbooks. Informational text characteristics include text and graphic features such as a table of contents, captions, bold print, glossaries, diagrams, etc. Informational text structures include compare/contrast, central idea with supporting facts, description, and cause/effect.
Chronological order is an organizational pattern that describes events in the order that they happened. In first grade, students often see and use words that include first, next, then, before, after, last, finally, and in conclusion to signal order.
a text that presents information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate
a text that presents information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate
the pattern or structure an author uses to construct and organize his or her ideas for the audience (e.g., cause and effect, problem and solution, description, order of importance); also referred to as organizational structure
Patrón organizacional que despliega una serie de características, cualidades o ideas que corresponden a personas, lugares, cosas o eventos específicos sin un orden de presentación en especial.
Patrón organizacional que usa el autor para ordenar información reflejando el paso del tiempo.