SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

Use una lista de control para checar a los estudiantes. Mientras un texto informativo es leído a los estudiantes, ellos deberían poder reconocer que se trata de un texto informativo basados en algunos rasgos del texto. Algunos tipos de información de reconocimiento puede incluir, gráficas, tablas, notas al pie, fotografías, subtítulos, etc. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes deberían poder explicar lo que pueden aprender de los rasgos del texto y de las gráficas. Hágales preguntas para estimular sus ideas al tratar de contestar.


  • ¿Qué clase de texto creen que es éste después de echar un vistazo a las páginas?
  • ¿Qué pueden saber viendo este diagrama?
  • ¿Qué les dice este subtítulo?
Informational texts are texts that present information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate. In first grade, this could include procedural texts, magazines, newspapers, menus, nonfiction books, pamphlets, and textbooks. Informational text characteristics include text and graphic features such as a table of contents, captions, bold print, glossaries, diagrams, etc. Informational text structures include compare/contrast, central idea with supporting facts, description, and cause/effect.
Print and graphic features are parts of a text that draw the reader's attention to important information. Print features are the use of words to explain something in the text (e.g., titles, bold and italicized font, headings, subheadings, captions, glossary, table of contents). Graphic features are pictures, visual aids, or other images within a text used to support that author’s purpose and message (e.g. graphs, diagrams, charts, timelines, bullet points).
a text that presents information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate
a text that presents information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate