beginning reading and writing Spanish strand TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.

Distribuya tarjetas con 10 palabras y prefijos comunes a equipos de trabajo. Los estudiantes completan una hoja de trabajo con tres columnas, cuyos títulos son: Prefijo, Palabra base, Nueva palabra. Los estudiantes copian las palabras en su hoja de trabajo, le añaden un prefijo y escriben la nueva palabra que se forma. Revise las hojas de trabajo.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes forman nuevas palabras usando prefijos comunes. Las escriben siguiendo las reglas de ortografía y descubren nuevas palabras que amplían su vocabulario.

Both decoding and encoding skills are needed to build a foundation in reading. Decoding is the process of translating written speech into verbal speech sounds by applying knowledge of letter-sound correspondences. It is the ability to recognize letters, apply their associated sounds, and blend sounds to form words. Encoding is the process of using letter-sound knowledge to write or spell words. Students must understand the various spelling patterns and rules of the Spanish language to correctly construct words in their written products. It is important that students demonstrate their knowledge by applying these rules consistently instead of using invented spelling because they may unknowingly write a real word they did not intend, causing reader confusion.
Students are expected to correctly use words with common prefixes and suffixes in their writing. Using common prefixes and suffixes helps students increase their vocabulary and express their ideas in a more concise manner. For example, instead of writing, La maestra me dijo que tenía que volver a leer el libro, they could use the prefix re- to write, La maestra me dijo que tenía que releer el libro; or instead of writing Mi familia compra el pan en la tienda donde venden panes, they could use the suffix -ería to write, Mi familia compra el pan en la panadería.
Afijo que va antepuesto a una palabra base o una raíz (por ej., des- en desconfiar, re- en reponer).
Afijo que se añade al final de una palabra base o una raíz (por ej., -ero de zapatero, -ería de frutería, -ble de contable).